It is true. I wonder if that’s thanks to BSIP funding.
Probably three times as many passengers as when I first got this bus last August. Market recovery? Benefits of the £2 fare? Who knows!
#PublicTransport #TransportPlanning
#publictransport #transportplanning
My week at work (nearly-summer edition): Traffic reduction targets and forecasting scenarios. How a transport scheme can have agglomeration benefits but labour-market disbenefits (it's complicated). And the modal filters around Treacle Mine Road (this week in history).
Photo is #Cambridge this evening - a lovely place to live and work. Best of all, come and work with the super Atkins team here - see,6556&page=1&q=transport%20planner
I remember an operating guru saying to me many years ago that "the timetable is the core of the public transport product". The latest piece from London Reconnections looks at the Elizabeth line timetable, and concludes that Crossrail has basically delivered what it promised. A good news story!
(LR is worth following if you don't already. Their articles get behind the headlines, with both context and detail.) #transportplanning #trainplanning #london @transport
#transportplanning #trainplanning #london
Alongside this week's DfT #bus funding and £2 fare cap announcement, some early research results on the fare cap.
It does seem to be increasing patronage. As you'd instinctively expect, it's a mix of mode shift from car and (to a lesser extent) active modes, plus induced (wholly new) trips. Seems to be boosting weekday and education/employment trips as well as weekend and leisure trips.
Early days, but encouraging so far.
@transport #transportplanning
Here's a good chance to get the latest on the future of the rail industry, with a #transportplanning perspective, from Elaine Seagriff, GBRTT Director of Strategic Planning.
Transport Planning Society event this Thursday (4 May), 1800, online or in person at the ICE in London.
Details & booking:
My week at work (music edition): Multimodal packages, unlocking development and boosting active travel. Just this week's small part of Atkins #transportplanning expertise. Plus talking Mahler with one colleague and Vaughan Williams with another. Opportunities to join us - music interest not necessary! Check out
Meanwhile, here's progress on Cambridge South station earlier today, with some new OLE cantilevers in place. @transport #transport
My week at work (conference-prep edition): Back in the office after the Easter break. Signed-off an excellent business case led by the Atkins #Cambridge #transportplanning team. Plus progress on my #2023TPM joint paper with some super colleagues.
There will actually be several Atkins papers at TPM - lots of expertise being shared. Come along to hear them all! Details at
#Cambridge #transportplanning #2023tpm
Updated DfT TAG guidance announced just before Easter - all about bringing demand modelling and forecasting into the post-Covid ‘new normal‘. My new blog kicks off by looking at what this means in practice:
@transport #transportplanning
Do I know anyone who has a sample geo-referenced DWG and/or DGN files exported from AutoCAD or MicroStation?
I’m interested in trying out the GDAL drivers for both or what other import options exist for #RSpatial #gdal #gischat #transportplanning
#rspatial #gdal #gischat #transportplanning
My week at work (sunshine & showers edition):
Some excellent analysis by my Atkins colleagues on options for tackling a client’s transport problems - multi-disciplinary assessments and insights coordinated by the super #transportplanning team here in #Cambridge. Looking forward to presenting our advice next week.
Plus the differences between DMRB environmental assessment and TAG environmental appraisal for how they assess significance.
And a lovely rainbow to round-off the week.
So I see from my morning glance at tabloid headlines that "WOKE BARRISTERS ARE REFUSING TO PROSECUTE ECO WARRIORS".
Well, who can blame them?
What chance transport planners doing the same? Down spreadsheets on projects which we know (whatever the appraisal rules and politicians say) will damage our chances of averting climate change?
Serious suggestion. #WokeForGood #NetZero #TransportPlanning #Highways @transport #Transport #ClimateEmergency
#wokeforgood #netzero #transportplanning #highways #transport #climateemergency
Apparently members of the Senedd are unhappy that the Welsh Roads Review, a technical investigation of road building schemes’ compatibility with climate commitments, “lacked consultation”. They really should have the wits to realise that facts don’t care about opinions.
#climatecrisis #transportplanning #welshroadsreview
Joined colleagues across the industry this morning for DfT's webinar about the new TAG unit on evaluation. Niche topic, but it really shouldn't be! Lots of useful info. Thank you, DfT team.
One key message was "start thinking about evaluation early in the process." Also a bonus to find out about the webpage listing all DfT's completed evaluation studies - bound to come in handy! It's here:
#transportplanning #TAG @transport
"This Hollywood star and his daughter took the subway to the Oscars to prove a point. Did it work?
It’s their third time riding the Los Angeles subway to Tinseltown’s biggest night. Ed Begley Jr and Hayden Carson Begley tell senior climate correspondent Louise Boyle why the city’s public transport is worth celebrating"
#PublicTransport #LAMetro #LosAngeles #TransportPlanning #Oscars #USA #Environment #ClimateEmergency #TikTok
#TikTok #ClimateEmergency #Environment #USA #oscars #transportplanning #losangeles #LaMetro #publictransport
Fuel duty to stay ~45% lower than it was at the turn of the millennium in real terms. VED frozen for HGVs. Literally no mention of active travel or busses except for a few bits in some “special” cities. Rail? We’ll announce the EWR route. Planes? We’ll keep passenger duty as low as possible.
Actions speak louder than words, and this makes a mockery of the often stated intention of #decarbonisation of transport.
We need systemic change now!
#ClimateCrisis #TransportPlanning
#budget2023 #decarbonisation #climatecrisis #transportplanning
Looking forward to joining this week's DfT seminar on the new TAG unit about evaluating transport projects. Evaluation is often under-appreciated, so it's good to see it getting a spotlight.
There's still time to register - it's free and online. This Friday (17 March), 1100-1200. Details at:
#transportplanning @transport
Sixth of my #BooksOf2023, this is a work-relevant one - but also really interesting in its own right. As with most things in transport planning, however, challenging to usefully apply in a way that would enable the meaningful reduction of car dependency in rural England!
#Reading #Books #TransportPlanning #PublicTransit
#booksof2023 #reading #books #transportplanning #publictransit
I’ve begun listening to @TheWarOnCars PodCasts (and I’m more amazed than anyone that I haven’t done so before). Started at the beginning and now three in, and although recorded five years ago half a world away they’re still totally relevant here and now.
I wonder how long it’ll take me to get up to date?
#TransportPlanning #TheWarOnCars #ClimateCrisis
#transportplanning #thewaroncars #climatecrisis
@tgent_fens @transport Including visuals like a cartoon (with #AltText) or relevant picture (ditto with #AltText image description) help with pickup too. Also check who follow posters like @BrentToderian and related #UrbanDesign #LivableCities type threads as well as #Transport, #TransportPlanning and #PublicTransport
#alttext #urbandesign #livablecities #transport #transportplanning #publictransport