As of this morning, there are no available HRT follow-up appointments available through I stopped my P4 after a year and a half cold turkey before the holidays. It's not going well. Great. Thanks, Doug Ford. 😛
#TransRelatedCare #Trans #HealthCare #Ontario #HRT
#transrelatedcare #trans #healthcare #ontario #hrt
Kiedy zaglÄ…dasz na , a tam :heart_trans:
TOP 10 transfobicznych bzdur z ostatnich lat.
[ASZ feat.]
#transgirl #trans #transwoman #mtf #transgender #transrelatedcare #lgbt
:transgender_flag: Next time transphobic people call trans healthcare ''experimental or contemporary fad'' you can show them this.
#transgirl #trans #transwoman #mtf #transgender #transrelatedcare
Are you a community, health, or social service provider? Join the Champlain Regional Planning Table for Trans and Gender Diverse Health Services (RPT) for a free, virtual panel discussion focusing on QTBIPOC Voices in #TransRelatedCare #Trans #HealthCare
Date: December 16th, 2022 from 2-3:30PM ET
#transrelatedcare #trans #healthcare
Did you know that the guaifenesin I am taking to help with my chronic cough has also been studied as a fertility aid, as it may thin and increase the stretchability (spinnbarkeit) of the cervical mucus, increasing sperm permeability. But it's very popular role in treating fibromyalgia pain has never been confirmed by medical science.
(Poor little swimmers always needing a leg-up...)
#FunFact #TransRelatedCare #DisabilityJustice
#funfact #transrelatedcare #disabilityjustice
Welltory's advice to me this morning: "Stress can affect your decision-making."
Oh oh.
#Stress #MentalHealth #Welltory #TransRelatedCare #DisabilityJustice
#stress #mentalhealth #welltory #transrelatedcare #disabilityjustice
Being approved for GRS and diagnosed with hEDS (which would probably preclude the former) at the same time is probably really going to suck, isn't it? fml
#TransRelatedCare #DisabilityJustice #hEDS
#transrelatedcare #disabilityjustice #heds
:transgender_flag: Next time transphobic people call trans healthcare ''experimental or contemporary fad'' you can show them this.
#transgirl #trans #transwoman #mtf #transgender #transrelatedcare
... at least it's only 24 months just to get an assessment. 😕
On November 16th, 2022, the Gender Affirming Healthcare Act was introduced in Ontario. If passed, Ministry of Health must form an advisory committee to review the state of trans healthcare in Ontario, and make recommendations to the Minister of Health, for improving gender affirming care in Ontario.
If you support equal and free access to trans-related care, you can send a letter to the Minister of Health supporting this work at:
#transrelatedcare #ontario #trans
Just got my second doctor's approval for vplasty. Feels like way more of a win than I was anticipating 😊 I guess that makes today Day 1 of The Great Wait.
(PSA that provides life-saving trans-related care in Ontario, the doctors there are kind and mostly-informed, and their funding, like all trans-related funding, is constantly under threat.)
#TransRelatedCare saves lives
I was greeted with this at this morning. This is very bad news. If you have a spoon, please do what you can to support the continued and expanded access to gender-affirming care in Ontario.
I have an appointment on December 1 to have a second doctor sign off on my application for gender-confirmation surgery in Ontario. I'm nervous. She will sign off. She's trans herself for goodness' sake. It's a formality. But I'm nervous. It's an autistic thing. It's a new person 1-on-1. That matters. I don't think cishet allistic people have any idea the burden or toll these barriers we face actually involve. When I was bankrupt and homeless, this would have been impossible.