#lgbtqia #transgender #transrightsarehumanrights #church
This officially ends my attending the parish I can walk to down my street where our priest rides a Harley
This is not the church I grew up with but is the church that sided with the Nazis. They are siding with them again
#church #transrightsarehumanrights #transgender #lgbtqia
The House 2024 Appropriations Bills: Two Steps Back For Transgender Health Equity | Health Affairs
#transrightsarehumanrights #transgender #trans
"Beleidigungen, Tritte, Schläge. In #Halle verletzen Männer einen Protestierenden schwer. In #DÜbeln wird der Aufzug mit Buttersäure attackiert."
Gewalttätige Angriffe in Halle und DÜbeln: CSD-Teilnehmer schwer verletzt
#Trans #transrightsarehumanrights #CSD #Gewalt #Homophobie #Antireport
#halle #dobeln #trans #transrightsarehumanrights #csd #gewalt #homophobie #antireport
Iâd hope medical organizations and Canadian healthcare professionals, en masse, would challenge policy in Canada that attempts to limit youth access to gender-affirming care.
âCalifornia's State Assembly voted in favor of House Resolution 57 on Wednesday, establishing that August will be recognized as Transgender History Month starting in 2024 â and making it the first state to honor trans history with such a designationâ #TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTQ+ https://www.them.us/story/california-transgender-history-month
#transrightsarehumanrights #lgbtq
"As an urban, liberal, agnostic Canadian, the hardest part of parenting a trans kid has been watching the anti-trans groundswell â particularly in the U.K and the U.S. As of this month, 22 U.S. states have enacted laws or policies banning gender affirming care for youth up to age 18 â despite evidence that this care does more good than harm."
#transrightsarehumanrights #transgender #trans
Very alarming to see the extent to which the media is still able to influence public perceptions
As recently as February 2021 51% of British voters agreed with the statement âa transgender woman is a womanâ, including 6 in 10 women. 34% disagreed
In April this year only 33% of voters agreed that trans women are women, with 47% disagreeing
#Transphobia #TheTelegraph #DailyMail #Media #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Tories #Labour #GreenParty #UKPol
#ukpol #greenparty #labour #tories #transrightsarehumanrights #media #dailymail #thetelegraph #transphobia
#music #musik #musikken #musica #musique
#TheOwenGuns - "#TransRightsAreHumanRights" Booker/Bastard - A #BlankTV World Premiere!
#QueerRadio #pouetradio #MastoRadio #FediRadio #TootRadio #WeAreTheRadio
#Music #musik #musikken #musica #musique #theowenguns #transrightsarehumanrights #blanktv #queerradio #pouetradio #mastoradio #fediradio #tootradio #wearetheradio
Protect Trans Care Now | American Civil Liberties Union
"The attacks on the freedom and dignity of trans people and their families continue to escalate, with one-third of the country that has passed laws that criminalize and ban access to gender-affirming care. The next stage of the fight for basic LGBTQ freedoms is here, and it affects everyone â even in states that havenât seen any anti-trans attacks."
#transrightsarehumanrights #transgender #trans
Very proud of my friends in the #DisciplesOfChrist church (3 of them are quoted in this article) for their work to get this resolution passed to condemn #ChristianNationalism and to support #Transgender rights.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) votes to support transgender rights
#Oklahoma #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Christianity #Theology
#disciplesofchrist #christiannationalism #transgender #oklahoma #transrightsarehumanrights #christianity #theology
đłď¸ââ§ď¸JUST OVER A WEEK TO GOđłď¸ââ§ď¸
Bring noise. Bring speakers. Bring drums. Bring everything youâve got.
đ DĂĄil Ăireann
â° 11am
đď¸ Saturday, 16 September
We will see you all next weekend to show Posie Parker and her âsupportersâ that Dublin does not welcome them.
(via Dublin Trans & Intersex Pride, from elsewhere)
#DubTrans #TERFsOut #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Solidarity #Ireland #MastoDaoine
#dubtrans #TerfsOut #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #solidarity #ireland #mastodaoine
Share petition ¡ Channel 7: Stop using our videos without consent. Remove harmful de-transitioning segment
#transrightsarehumanrights #transgender #trans
In counterpoint to all thatâs nasty these days, returned from summer holidays to a kind letter from patients, thanking me for showing up as an ally at the #Ottawa #trans rights march on Aug 25.
I canât wait to see my wonderful patients again today - the joy of connection in family medicine - and also back to trustee work this evening.
We can be a caring community.
#ottawa #trans #inthistogether #MaskUp #transrightsarehumanrights #primarycare #familymedicine #ontario #onted
My sentiment of the day and it is okay if you disagree, but Fuck the NYT for harassing our Trans friends and their families.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights, our LGBTQIA+ communities are there for us to protect, and not to be used to advance your BS propaganda much like the GOP does.
Am 09.09. startet um 16:00 Uhr eine Gedenk-Kundgebung in #Oldenburg fĂźr Malte und allen Opfern von #trans*feindlicher Gewalt.
âVor einem Jahr am 27. August 2022 wurde Malte auf dem #CSD in #MĂźnster, nachdem er queere Menschen unterstĂźtzen wollte, die verbal attackiert wurden, selbst angegriffen. Wenige Tage später starb Malte an den schweren Verletzungen.
Auch dieses Jahr treffen wir uns am Samstag (09.09.2023) um 16 Uhr beim Kran am Hafen in Oldenburg, um an Malte zu Gedenken. Ihr kĂśnnt gerne Kerzen, Gläser, Schilder oder Kreide mitbringen. Es gibt auch ein Open Mic. Im Anschluss (18-21 Uhr) wird im #Hempels in der ZiegelhofstraĂe 83 ein GedenkcafĂŠ stattfinden.
âZivilcourage kann fĂźr trans Personen bzw. queere Personen bedeuten, dass es ihr Leben kostet. Queer- und trans Feindlichkeit ist mehr als real.â - @joelle040
Rest in Power Malte!â
#ol0909 #TransRightsAreHumanRights #CSDMßnster #Pride#LGBTIQA #Queer #Queerfeminismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #Selbstbestimmung #solidarischOL #Solidarität #SozialeKämpfe #teilhabe #Transfeindlichkeit
#oldenburg #trans #csd #Munster #hempels #ol0909 #transrightsarehumanrights #csdmunster #pride #queer #queerfeminismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #selbstbestimmung #solidarischOL #solidaritat #sozialekampfe #teilhabe #transfeindlichkeit
Eine Bekannte hat mir grade erzählt, dass sie letztens im Schwimmbad die BEHINDERTENUMKLEIDE nutzen musste. Weil sie trans ist. Oh man das tut mir so leid đĽş
#transpride #transrightsarehumanrights #transfeindlichkeit
Morgen ist #Transprideđłď¸ââ§ď¸ in #Stuttgart und ich geh als Ally hin. Hab mir sogar ein Schild gebastelt. Mit meiner ganzen Kreativität đ
#transpride #stuttgart #transrightsarehumanrights
âĄď¸ TIME CHANGE!!! âĄď¸
16 Sept @ 11am
"Due to Posie Parker changing the time of her rally, we have also changed the time of our counter demo.
We are meeting on 16th September outside The DĂĄil at 11am then marching to the location of PP's event. (Location TBC)"
(via Dublin Trans & Intersex Pride, from elsewhere)
#DubTrans #TERFsOut #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Solidarity #Ireland #MastoDaoine
#dubtrans #TerfsOut #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #solidarity #ireland #mastodaoine