The XXXpert · @xxxpertmastermind
2032 followers · 751 posts · Server
Penelope · @skinwalkerpenelope
250 followers · 1122 posts · Server

Hey peeps how are you all today and let's get a for all you gorgeous lady's out there I'll go first

Plus I will also say any one can put a selfie up as I want to make you all feel included 😊🤗💖🥰


Last updated 1 year ago

Ellie🏳️‍⚧️ · @Subrote
679 followers · 735 posts · Server

For lets look at the argument that voting fascism/genocide away can work.

On April 13th, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey signed a decree that outlawed HRT for anyone in the state.

7 days later and the ban is going into effect.

A single man in a seemingly unrelated position of power has literally ended the existence of every person in Missouri.

But yeah, we just need to vote harder.

#transthursday #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Ellie🏳️‍⚧️ · @Subrote
663 followers · 624 posts · Server

For I'm VERY happy to report that my legal name change court date is monday!

So if you don't know my Ellie is actually short for Elanor. Which isn't a real name, its a flower in Tolkien's legendarium.

Its also the name Samwise gave his first born after the War of the Ring.

It means thriving after pain. New blossoms after winter. New life after so much death, sun after rain, and joy after Despair.

Basically it means this speech:


Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
904 followers · 4091 posts · Server

For I would like to point out my fucking endo gave me the kind of prog you *cant* take sublingually.

This fucking guy, I swear.


Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
860 followers · 3764 posts · Server

Facial hair removal for

I got laser for a few months, but the thing about laser hair removal is it doesn't work on blonde or ginger hairs.

So my black hairs are all but gone, but aaaaaaaaall those lil blonde fuckers you can see in the sidelight?

They get to have a needle put into the follicle, shocked with electricity, and then the whole now dead hair tweezered out.

One at a time. 30 mins/week. For 2 years. being fucking hurts, yo.

#transthursday #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
860 followers · 3745 posts · Server

Ah yes, the two genders.

#trans #transthursday

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
818 followers · 3381 posts · Server

Theres a little girl version of me just sitting on the floor sobbing. Asking whats wrong with her, why do people hate her, what did she ever do to them?

And all i can do is sit with her as grown-up Ellie and say sometimes people bad poor choices. And if u make enough u can end up a bad, hateful person who wants other people to suffer.

She's not thrilled with the answer.

#trans #transthursday

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
818 followers · 3381 posts · Server

Ah, nothing like waking up to 3 different flavors of bigotry for my .

So far I've been told to kill myself

That im a sexual predator after children

And that I'm alienating allies by pointing out my own and need to stop reacting so much.

Ive been awake for 20 minutes.

#transthursday #genocide

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
814 followers · 3368 posts · Server

Ah, start the day off right with some bigotry and harassment. Happy everyone!


Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
714 followers · 2953 posts · Server

Happy everyone!

I have electrolysis today at 1. That's where they stick a needle into each hair follicle and zap it, then pull the now dead hair out.

One at a time.

You have to grow it out for a few days so there's enough length to zap and grab tho, so I haven't shaved this week (BARF)

also morning chapped lips, sry i live in a desert.


Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
678 followers · 2626 posts · Server

Here's one last post for

Here's me 2 years ago in a really good mood (no seriously it was an amazing day) and me now while cooking dinner on a weeknight.

#transthursday #trans #transtimeline #timelinethursday #lightintheeyes #transjoy #estrogenismagic

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
676 followers · 2609 posts · Server

Ive started assigning Norm here to deal with my internal judges and doubts.

"I look like a man today :("

'Or so the Germans would have us believe.'

"Ur right Norm, Im fucking adorable and femme as fuck."

#transthursday #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
549 followers · 2019 posts · Server

Super obvious update needed to my and video.

I'm so excited for 2023!

Waking up used to be the hardest thing I did all day. Now its something I look forward to, and even revel in. Cuz I wake up as me.

ngl, its scary being right now. But there's nothing I've ever been happier, more proud, or more determined to be than .

#timelinethursday #transthursday #yearinreview #transgender #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
543 followers · 2009 posts · Server

Super obvious update needed to my and video.

I'm so excited for 2023, and not just because I'm paying someone to cut my balls off! I'm just excited and happy for things now.

Waking up used to be the hardest thing I did all day. Now its something I look forward to, and even revel in. Cuz I wake up as me.

ngl, its scary being right now. But there's nothing I've ever been happier, proud, or more determined to be than .

#timelinethursday #transthursday #yearinreview #transgender #trans

Last updated 2 years ago