Ihr parkt doch hoffentlich ordentlich. In Krefeld wird nicht abgeschleppt, hier kommen nachts die Asphaltmaulwürfe. 🚧 #Transurban #UrbaneKunst #Westwall
#transurban #urbanekunst #westwall
Die WDR Sendung #Westart kam heute aus dem Landschaftspark #Duisburg #LaPaDu und #Krefeld war mit #Transurban Residency 23 auch Teil der Sendung. https://www1.wdr.de/fernsehen/west-art/sendungen/landschaftspark-duisburg-nord-ruhrtriennale-100.html bzw. https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL3dkci5kZS9CZWl0cmFnLXNvcGhvcmEtODkzN2JkYjYtMTBhZS00NzhiLTg5ZDktYTY2ZDQ2ZDRiOWY1/
#westart #duisburg #lapadu #krefeld #transurban
Das Programm und weitere Informationen zu diesem Projekt gibt es hier: https://trans-urban.de/programm23/ #soziokultur #duisburg #transurban #residency23 #stapeltor
#soziokultur #duisburg #transurban #residency23 #stapeltor
Das Projekt #Residency23 unter der Leitung von #Stapeltor und #Transurban wird in den nächsten Wochen in #Duisburg ein vielfältiges Kulturprogramm bieten. Es sollen neue Perspektiven für den brachliegenden Platz um das Averdunkzentrum aufzeigen. #soziokultur https://yewtu.be/watch?v=w4pf8b9H8-c
#residency23 #stapeltor #transurban #duisburg #soziokultur
Clover Moore, City of Sydney Lord Mayor is requesting the incoming roads minister John Graham considers:
- Removing the toll on the Cross City Tunnel
- Introducing a CBD congestion charge
#clovermoore #cityofsydney #cos #tollroads #tolls #nsw #auspol #congestioncharge #congestionzone #planning #sydney #transurban
#clovermoore #cityofsydney #cos #tollroads #tolls #nsw #auspol #congestioncharge #congestionzone #planning #sydney #transurban
SMH: Toll costs should not be ‘a state secret’: Labor to lift lid on Sydney’s multibillion-dollar deals
> A NSW Labor government would for the first time reveal the full extent of Sydney’s multibillion-dollar tolling deals – including any potential compensation to motorway giants – as part of its plans to reform the city’s road network.
#nsw #auspol #transurban #toll #road #sydney #australia
The Guardian: Timid NSW transport policies show Labor and Coalition have taken their feet off the accelerator
> Sydney has been treated to a boom in public transport and road construction over the past decade but the so-far timid transport policies of the New South Wales election raise concerns the foot is coming off the accelerator.
#sydney #nsw #auspol #transurban #roads #transit #urbanism
SMH (via Twitter): NSW Labor leader Chris Minns addressing the media about tolls and road funding.
#tolls #transurban #auspol #labor
https://wtop.com/maryland/2023/03/transurban-announces-it-will-exit-proposed-toll-lane-expansion/ Excellent news…I do not want Montgomery County to turn into Northern Virginia…where you have to pay to drive on the the federal highway system if you want to get anywhere on time. Gov More is “da bestest”. Yay. #I270 #TransUrban #badidea #equanimity #climate #GovWesMoore
#i270 #transurban #badidea #equanimity #climate #govwesmoore