Its #TrashPandaTuesday, not #caturday!
Skittles stopped by to eat some breadsticks that had been open in the cupboard since December.
#trashpandatuesday #urbanwildlife #trashpanda #caturday #raccoon
Its #TrashPandaTuesday, not #caturday!
Skittles stopped by to eat some breadsticks that had been open in the cupboard since December.
@msquebanh @MeanwhileinCanada Most excellent! They need to tag it #TrashPandaTuesday!
It's not #caturday, it's #TrashPandaTuesday!
Here's a picture from 2011 of Angela and possibly one of the Orphan Adrian clan recreating "The Creation of Raccoon" from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Another #trashpandatuesday not #caturday photo. This is Skittles and her baby Starburst. Skittles is at least a 3rd generation backyard blond. Apparently she didn't choose a blond to father her child. Raccoons, like Klingons and Kings, like to cite their geneology. Skittles, the first of her name, is daughter of Rusty daughter of Snowball.
I don't have any photos of raccoons. Sadly (or fortunately?) there aren't many where I live. But I found this cute photo online here as a wallpaper.
#trashpandatuesday #raccoon #photography #photograph #mammals
#trashpandatuesday #raccoon #photography #photograph #mammals
We still need #trashpandatuesday everyone. Where are the photos of all the raccoons? They are one of the one entertaining/infuriating critters on the planet after all.
It's not #caturday, it's #trashpandatuesday!
Here is Marcel climbing a tree. #raccoon
#caturday #trashpandatuesday #raccoon
Wait #trashpandatuesday is a thing?
This is Tom. He visits to clean up kibble our outdoor kitties leave behind.
Photographers, we need you to post some raccoons to #TrashPandaTuesday. Pretty please.
#trashpandatuesday #photography #photographs #photographers #raccoons
In honor of #TrashPandaTuesday, here's an image of a raccoon soldier that fights for Ukraine.
I don't know who originally made this image, but it was after Russia stole Ukraine's raccoons from the zoo.
#nafo #nafofellas #trashpandatuesday #ukraine #raccoons #UkraineWillWin
They tell me it’s #trashpandatuesday.
(No one told me that. No one. But enjoy the trash panda who stopped by our yard this morning, anyway. 😱)
#trashpandatuesday #raccoons #trashpanda #suburbanlife #neighbors #nature