Can someone explain to me...WHAT THE FUCK is with this
Throbbing Gristle nonsense with a song called ...wait for it...Zyklon B Zombie, and these other fuckers DAF with some nonsense called Der Mussolini?
What the bloody fuck's THAT about?!
#musichistory #industrialmusic #WTF
I'm watching an episode from a #musicchannel called #TrashTheory.
Each episode goes through the #history of various genres. The latest episode is the history of industrial music.
The narrator isn't thrilled about some of the history of industrial either, so he's not the problem, but what the fuck were these 'artists' thinking back then!?
#musichistory #industrialmusic #wtf #musicchannel #trashtheory #history
Har avverkat två riktigt fina musikdokumentärer senaste dagarna. I fredags såg jag senaste #TrashTheory på youtube som avhandlade fenomenet #KLF. Väl värt sina 40 minuter eller vad det blev. https://youtu.be/nWn3QygKFwo #musicdoc #musikdokumentär
#trashtheory #KLF #musicdoc #musikdokumentar
Gwyliais i hwn yn hwyr neithiwr, ac wedyn gorfod gwylio pob fideo arall #KLF sy YouTube. Roedd tipyn ohono fe'n gyfarwydd, ond do'n i ddim wedi clywed y stori am Jimmy Cauty cwrdd â Tammy Wynnett am y tro cynta a sylweddoli ei fod e wedi ei chymysgu â Dolly Parton ers cael y syniad o weithio gyda hi.
The KLF - Beyond The Band That Burnt £1,000,000 - #TrashTheory
#trashTheory videos are usually great but this one is about #theDamned, so it's an absolute winner
#TrashTheory is an excellent #YouTube series on #popculture. Please check out the excellent episode on the roots of #SynthPop.
#trashtheory #youtube #popculture #synthpop
#TrashTheory is an excellent #YouTube series on #popculture. Please check out the excellent episode on the roots of #SynthPop.
#trashtheory #youtube #popculture #synthpop