Prison transfer.. prisoner is getting sick... guard is a dick...
Cut to two guys ia garage.. kid comes in...
She discovered my watching. Poopysocks. She let me settle on a Mars documentary after seeing for herself that there ain't shit on.
Meaning there's nothing but shit on.
๐คฃ Anyway, I have yet to see an episode.
I only know of the show through comedy skits, and that it's on "all the time" on NITRO, which is the cheesy action trash channel.
Vernรผnftiges #trashtv wird auch immer rarer.
Vorfรผhrsendungen ร la "Familien am Abgrund, Die Hartz4-Baracken von Leipzig etc." gucke ich nicht u. dann wird's auch schon eng.
รbergangsweise gucke ich halt diverse YT-Formate, in denen auch genug x-Promis ihr Unwesen treiben. ๐
Aaand end the show on the big guy damn near having a heart attack from trying to dance the balls out of a fanny pack type thing.
To be continued next week! ๐ I don't know why I expected them to run through all 99 games tonight. Silly me.
I'm watching streaming on livestreamde dot com, she's watching #GoodbyeDeutschland on the TV.
I didn't have to set up an account, and I can do it from behind the firewalls, so gravy.
#goodbyedeutschland #99gegeneiner #Sat1 #trashtv
Ooo! Technical drama! Did he hold on to his balloon instead of bouncing it off his hand? Find out, after the break! ๐คฃ To me, it looked obvious, and repeated.
Seit kurzem wieder aus der Sommerpause zurรผck: @Aruetzel mit #VerbrechenAmFernsehen ๐ฅฐ
Die Folge mit Sebastian - @elhotzo - Hotz ist zwar schon eine Woche alt, aber trotzdem noch immer absolut hรถrenswert!
#verbrechenamfernsehen #badsoodenallendorf #podcasttipp #Podcast #trashtv #vaf
Gudrun. That's the name of overbite mom. ๐ I don't mean this in a negative way, at all. It's appealing. They don't usually pick unattractive people for dating shows.
Anyway, dancing is commencing.
One can tell who's been imbibing, and there's more than one. ๐คฃ
Previews of coming attractions, and end.
PS - the waffles are delicious.
Hot tub time!
Overbite blonde mom and bleached bald dad share the hot tub. Background music hints at coming drama.
Now the trumpet changes the music to latin boom chikka bow wow. ๐
Long haired dad and non glasses brunette, Anja (as opposed to Tanja, the other brunette who needs glasses to drive), play bocce ball.
Now Tanja und curly hair dad play darts.
After lawn games, a question, posed by the kid, is pulled out of a box.
Cut to kids playing in the pool
Cut back to long hair dad, Steffen?, and Anja.
And once again the tendency to cut to commercial mid-scene, often mid-dialogue, drives me to fury in the blink of an eye.
Fuck you, #VOX. I hope your advertisers cock tasted good.
I'm not sure where the possessive apostrophe goes in "advertisers." It's a plural noun ending in s. Blรค.
*slaps self*
Wu sah. Wu sah.
Now the parents play "who is this?" with photos chosen by the kids, and pulled at random out a box. I think.
Ooo! I see there's one extra dad? At least, there's a rotating sit out each time they change tables for que card questions dating.
This round curly hair dad has to sit out, and he's giving the dad who just sat at the table of the mom he was talking to a dirty look. ๐ Drama is a'brewin'!
Back to the kids. The hostess explains the kid's control room, and what their roles in this are.
๐คฃ๐คฃ There are points? If your parent blames you for something, points are deducted. If your parent succeeds in a challenge the child has conceived, points are added. Or something like that.
Cut back to parents, and some of the dads have already gone peacock, so to speak. ๐คฃ Exaggerated mating rituals..
Now the hostess has gathered the kids, and finding out why they think their parent should be here.
Cut to the parents and the first activity. Cue card questions dating! But the cue card questions were written by the kids! ๐คฃ