#trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #traumainformed #traumawork #traumacounseling #traumabonding #traumaprocessing #traumarelease #traumainformedcare #traumainformedpractice #traumainformedtherapy #traumainformedapproach #traumainformededucation #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedmindfulness #traumainformedhealing #traumainformedparenting #traumainformedteaching #traumainformedcommunity
#trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #traumainformed #traumawork #traumacounseling #traumabonding #traumaprocessing #traumarelease #traumainformedcare #traumainformedpractice #traumainformedtherapy #traumainformedapproach #traumainformededucation #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedmindfulness #traumainformedhealing #traumainformedparenting #traumainformedteaching #traumainformedcommunity
How to escape life loops, deal with trauma, and build the psychological momentum required to get yourself unstuck - with trauma specialist Britt Frank
#trauma #traumainformed #brittfrank
Too cool. J.R.R. Tolkien Depicts Camaraderie and Combat Trauma in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. Brian Lee Radford. https://www.proquest.com/openview/f3a79dde61e9c2caeb2fe17f807c8bed/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y #TraumaInformed #Tolkien #Academia
#traumainformed #tolkien #academia
@naomilawsonjacobs MY NEXT PROJECT IS GOING TO BE ON TRAUMA-INFORMED VIVAS. #Academia #TraumaInformed
“A Structure, Not an Event”: #SettlerColonialism and Enduring Indigeneity. - J. Kehualani Kauanui, (#Native Hawaiian)
#IndigenousStudies #decolonize #colonialism #traumainformed #whitesupremacykills #colonialismIsNotOver
#settlercolonialism #native #indigenousstudies #decolonize #colonialism #traumainformed #whitesupremacykills #colonialismisnotover
I'm still committed to the idea of planting trees that will give someone else shade, and at the same time it is so very satisfying to be invited to the premiere of a therapeutic children's puppet show in a program I created last year.
#mentalhealth4kids #traumainformed
#Tkemlúps #Secwépemc #FirstNation will receive $12.5 million in #FederalFunding toward the construction of a new #HealingCentre for the community, nearly two years after suspected grave sites were discovered at a former #ResidentialSchool - leaders have announced.
A #JointStatement Thursday said the new healing house will provide #TraumaInformed programs to help the community spiritually, mentally, emotionally & physically.
#tkemlups #secwepemc #firstnation #federalfunding #healingcentre #residentialschool #jointstatement #traumainformed #indigenous #everychildmatters #britishcolumbia
"We cannot be truly trauma informed unless we are racially informed. How the hell do we talk about trauma and not talk about race?" - Dr. Kenneth Hardy at morning address at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium.
#PsychNetworker #KennethHardy #counseling #psychotherapy #traumainformed #blm
#psychnetworker #kennethhardy #counseling #psychotherapy #traumainformed #blm
@ahermitforhire - if you have #neurodiversity or #trauma, I have a tiktok suggestion for an account that teaches stretches in #TraumaInformed ways that is amazing.
Please let me know if you want it.
#neurodiversity #trauma #traumainformed
#MarthaAwojobi, curator at #BAMEOnline, having a #conversation with #author #SeyiAkiwowo about her book "How to Stay Safe Online: A digital self-care toolkit for developing resilience and allyship"; why a (re)focus on one's #intentions and being part of a #community is key; as well as preserving #spaciousness for oneself.
[direct link to YouTube instead of Invidious]
#DigitalSelfDefense #agency #joy #safety #compassion #TraumaInformed #AI
#ai #traumainformed #compassion #safety #joy #agency #digitalselfdefense #spaciousness #community #intentions #seyiakiwowo #author #conversation #bameonline #marthaawojobi
Art integration raises cultural proficiency. Check out these brilliant prompts to use AI to integrate more!! From our friends at the Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM
#SEL #SELday #traumainformed #DEI #Culture
#sel #selday #traumainformed #dei #culture
PreGame for #SELday!
Come for the #SEL Stay for the #traumainformed & #DEI
Register today...before it's too late! https://tmieducation.com/workshops/sel-response-ability-understanding-and-supporting-students-social-emotional-and
#selday #sel #traumainformed #dei
New post, thoughts about harm reduction in education: https://traumaresponsive.substack.com/p/trauma-is-the-throughline @edutooters @edutooter
"Trauma-responsivity is the throughline for multiple types of responsive, integrative teaching (ex. race & ethnicity, gender & sexuality, ability, neurodiversity, and so on)"
#TraumaResponsive #TraumaResponsiveEducation #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #TraumaInformed #Trauma #HigherEd #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #AdultEducator #TeachingAndLearning #AntiRacism #AntiRacismEducation
#antiracismeducation #antiracism #teachingandlearning #adulteducator #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #trauma #traumainformed #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveeducation #traumaresponsive
North Carolina is implementing an ACEs-informed courts system, the first of its kind in the U.S., through a multi-disciplinary task force.
#trauma #TraumaInformed #ACEs #PublicHealth #prevention #law
#healthcare #education #TDVAM2023
@publichealth @sociology
#trauma #traumainformed #aces #publichealth #prevention #law #healthcare #education #tdvam2023
The wound is the broken place where the light enters you #traumainformed #meditation #tarabrach https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3RhcmFicmFjaC5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw/episode/MmM2MWJhYjEtODQyMy00ZDFhLThlNWEtZGE1ZGRlZDU5NmMw?ep=14
#tarabrach #meditation #traumainformed
#ymhc #SelfCare #mentalhealth #TuesdayVibe #lettinggo #traumainformed #trauma
RT @LibertonHighHT@twitter.com
Has any local authority mapped out a supported curriculum pathway from early years through to positive destination for children and young people impacted by trauma? Looking for partners to develop integrated service approach to this. #traumainformed
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LibertonHighHT/status/1617115326952443904
Going through trauma and finding yourself again...tonight something shifted in me and I'll be sharing a lot over coming days. ❤
Watch: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1296487011208099
#trauma #traumatologia #traumarecovery #traumahealing #traumainformed #beautifultraumatour #beautifultrauma #childhoodtrauma #healingtrauma #posttraumatic #straumann #traumaticbraininjury #traumabond #marriage #divorce #perfectionism #ocd #adhd #breakup #ptsd #selfawareness
#trauma #traumatologia #traumarecovery #traumahealing #traumainformed #beautifultraumatour #beautifultrauma #childhoodtrauma #healingtrauma #posttraumatic #straumann #traumaticbraininjury #traumabond #marriage #divorce #perfectionism #ocd #adhd #breakup #ptsd #selfawareness
Mijn dag kan niet meer stuk ☺️😃#onderwijs #gedrag #leren #ace #traumainformed
#onderwijs #gedrag #leren #ace #traumainformed