violetmadder · @violetmadder
57 followers · 258 posts · Server

Okay, so: Peer Support is a thing.

It's not widely known, and it's IMPORTANT,

A Peer Support Specialist reaches across, not down. Non-hierarchical-- that's literally a requirement spelled out in the job description.

We close the liminal space between "patient" and "well person". We bridge the gap between the person receiving care and their therapist/doctor etc. We're the people you want knocking on the door when you're having a major personal crisis-- you know, instead of the people with guns. We've lived through our own crises/trauma/illness/addiction/etc, and we know how it actually feels.

This isn't just some cute hand-holding role. It's a crucial part of a larger movement to integrate and humanize-- frankly, to TRANSFORM--healthcare. That's the agenda, straight up. And I even get to fucking SAY THAT out loud.

And how do we enact this subversive scheme? By using empathy to relate to people, while helping empower them to determine and work on their OWN damn recovery goals, without judging.

Trying to "fix" people leads to burnout. Coercion and punishment have diminishing returns-- you can't force anybody to get better by kicking them when they're already down. Stigma has done massive damage. So we slow down, give an actual shit, and walk WITH people while they learn to fish, instead of beating fish over their heads, get it?

How's that for revolutionary.

#praxis #mentalhealth #mentalillness #trauma #traumainformedcare #peersupport #peergroups #recovery #resilience #supportgroups #peersupportspecialist

Last updated 1 year ago

Cardinal Point Counseling · @AaronEngel
0 followers · 5 posts · Server
Cardinal Point Counseling · @AaronEngel
0 followers · 4 posts · Server
Sci_Fi_FanGirl · @Sci_Fi_FanGirl
312 followers · 1495 posts · Server

Have you seen this? Maybe there's hope šŸ˜…

What he says about a "culture of consent" and "trauma-informed care" makes a lot of sense.


#traumainformedcare #autism

Last updated 2 years ago

JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
1161 followers · 21 posts · Server

One of the fascinating kernels I'm taking away from the Foundations of Traumatic Spiritual Care course that I took was a completely fresh and non-dualistic of both performative spirituality and spiritual bypassing.

Performative spirituality encompasses both the toxic self righteousness of imaginary perfection, and the earnest stumbling of "fake it till you make it" from the recovery movement.

Spiritual bypassing encompasses the hurtful denial of reality that often crops up in the face of death and suffering, and the self soothing courage that allows us to put our lives on the line for others.

It would appear that wisdom is non-binary.

#traumainformedcare #selfcompassion #interiorwork #chooselife #notsosimple

Last updated 2 years ago

JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
990 followers · 2 posts · Server

So many new people lately, I suppose i should drop an post.

Triple A battery extraordinare building my life around amazing partners and chosen family.

I'm a and advocate for a org in .

I'm also a and living in an intentional community.

Interests include:

#introduction #ace #aro #agender #grantwriter #housing4all #nonprofit #vermont #spiritualdirector #ecumenical #franciscan #faithfullylgbtq #linux #fantasy #scifi #audhd #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #traumainformedcare #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago


Emotional flashbacks ARE flashbacks-- just like emotional abuse IS abuse.

Our culture is more familiar w/ sensory/visual flashbacks & physical abuse-- but emotional flashbacks & abuse are OVERWHELMINGLY common...and INCREDIBLY debilitating.



Last updated 2 years ago

Justin Ekis · @JEkis
64 followers · 812 posts · Server


Emotional flashbacks ARE flashbacks-- just like emotional abuse IS abuse.

Our culture is more familiar w/ sensory/visual flashbacks & physical abuse-- but emotional flashbacks & abuse are OVERWHELMINGLY common...and INCREDIBLY debilitating.


Last updated 2 years ago

ChuffMeister · @ChuffMeister
404 followers · 1429 posts · Server

This beautiful piece of research has sprung me into a load of new resources. It takes an established tool and it to be delivered by with great outcomes

#ptsd #traumainformedcare #coproduces #indigenous #therapists #evidencedbased #harmreduction #compassionatecare

Last updated 2 years ago

Nurse Mich · @NurseMich
473 followers · 400 posts · Server
jesso · @jesso
4 followers · 2 posts · Server

Hi! Here's a little intro post:

I'm queer and

I'm a doctor working in in the UK, and yeah TXA is great but I'd really like to talk about and

I'm interested in the experiences of other women and queers who are

My special interest is looking at birds but not being able to name them

#actuallyautistic #emergencymedicine #RestraintReduction #traumainformedcare #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

Nurse Mich · @NurseMich
440 followers · 361 posts · Server

ā€œRecognizing the injury in all of us and cultivating our capacity for nonjudgmental presence, an ever-evolving process.ā€
~ Bonnie Badenoch

#wellbeing #mentalhealth #trauma #psychology #traumainformedcare

Last updated 2 years ago

JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
797 followers · 682 posts · Server

So many new people lately, I suppose i should drop an post.

Triple A battery extraordinare building my life around amazing partners and chosen family.

I'm a and advocate for a org in .

I'm also a and living in an intentional community.

Interests include:

#introduction #ace #aro #agender #GrantWriter #Housing4All #nonprofit #vermont #spiritualdirector #ecumenical #franciscan #faithfullylgbtq #linux #fantasy #scifi #AuDHD #writing #spirituality #counseling #puns #traumainformedcare #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
486 followers · 324 posts · Server

Looking forward to the training on Vicarious Trauma at work this week. Supporting our front line staff is really important to me and I want to cultivate skills that make that possible.

#traumainformedcare #listening

Last updated 2 years ago

Pablo de Assis :audhd: · @passis
108 followers · 49 posts · Server

I've been studying about trauma-informed care for some time now. Even though I have some minor disagreements, specially from a clinical psychologist point of view, I agree with a lot of what they have to share. So I'll share here some of the ideas that I find about it, in the hopes or could help others understand their condition and pain.

I'm willing to help as much as I can with information and answers.

I especially like this quotation because it sheds a light over some psychological ideias like personality, family traits and culture from a trauma-informed perspective. Some of those ideias are naturalized by the scientific community, but they can be understood as a consequence of violence acted over and perpetuated on an individual, a family or a society.

And understanding it like that helps to care for those who suffer because we can act upon the cause, the violence over the individual, rather than trying to accommodate the individual to the traumatic environment. It also helps us understand that should also be understood within the perspective of trauma, and most ND related traits are more often then not reactions to trauma.

What do you think? Any ideas?

Source: šŸ”—

#neurodiversity #Trauma #traumainforned #traumainformedcare #personality

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Wennerstrand · @annewennerstrand
46 followers · 69 posts · Server

Hospitalizing people suffering from on the streets of coercively is not . Money should be spent on meaningful, robust community based mental health and . needs to build out infrastructure in order to do this.

#unhoused #mentalillness #nyc #traumainformedcare #housing #first #compassionate #care #mentalhealthadvocacy #housingfirst #mayoradams

Last updated 2 years ago

Bronwyn Clee · @bronwynclee
138 followers · 708 posts · Server

@luke understanding dosage now makes sense Luke, alongside solid research from the likes of
For at least 5 decades, I had no idea of what consistently feeling safe felt like. Iā€™ve doing some phenomenal therapeutic work, and reckon Iā€™m getting closer to experimenting with psychedelics, in a supported environment. Paranoia was one of my worst experiences, linked to trauma, fear and anxiety, and all threaded back to attachment styles. Thanks for sharing your experiences, itā€™s been really helpful

#gabormate #traumainformedcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Bronwyn Clee · @bronwynclee
138 followers · 708 posts · Server

@dabertime hope youā€™re ok. Living with chronic invisible illness is tough. I discovered last year, that when I found myself saying ā€œIā€™ll justā€¦..ā€ I had already reached the point of exhaustion and need to stop. So Iā€™ve practiced listening to that smart inner cookie and if I push too far and hear myself using that line, I pull up and rest straight away.

#traumainformedcare #slowlearner #chronicpain #invisibleillness

Last updated 2 years ago