Pablo de Assis :audhd: · @passis
108 followers · 49 posts · Server

I've been studying about trauma-informed care for some time now. Even though I have some minor disagreements, specially from a clinical psychologist point of view, I agree with a lot of what they have to share. So I'll share here some of the ideas that I find about it, in the hopes or could help others understand their condition and pain.

I'm willing to help as much as I can with information and answers.

I especially like this quotation because it sheds a light over some psychological ideias like personality, family traits and culture from a trauma-informed perspective. Some of those ideias are naturalized by the scientific community, but they can be understood as a consequence of violence acted over and perpetuated on an individual, a family or a society.

And understanding it like that helps to care for those who suffer because we can act upon the cause, the violence over the individual, rather than trying to accommodate the individual to the traumatic environment. It also helps us understand that should also be understood within the perspective of trauma, and most ND related traits are more often then not reactions to trauma.

What do you think? Any ideas?

Source: 🔗

#neurodiversity #Trauma #traumainforned #traumainformedcare #personality

Last updated 2 years ago