What does work abandonment look like?
If you search "work abandonment" in your favorite search engine, you'll find lots of information about "job abandonment" where you simply don't call in or show up for your assigned shifts and after a few days (usually 3), your employer can declare you've abandoned the job and fire you. However, there'
#traumaintheworkplace #abandonment #employerabandonment #workplaceabandonment
#traumaintheworkplace #abandonment #employerabandonment #workplaceabandonment
Your Trauma Makes You Loyal, Managers Exploit This
I found this meme on Facebook today, and it reminded me of a book I read about a "bill for full autistic employment" where the author talked about how loyal autistic individuals are, as if we are dogs brought to heel by our masters. It mentioned
#boundariesandrespect #traumaintheworkplace #workmentalhealth #fear #loyalty #trauma #workplaceexploitation
#boundariesandrespect #traumaintheworkplace #workmentalhealth #fear #loyalty #trauma #workplaceexploitation