New post, thoughts about harm reduction in education: @edutooters @edutooter
"Trauma-responsivity is the throughline for multiple types of responsive, integrative teaching (ex. race & ethnicity, gender & sexuality, ability, neurodiversity, and so on)"
#TraumaResponsive #TraumaResponsiveEducation #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #TraumaInformed #Trauma #HigherEd #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #AdultEducator #TeachingAndLearning #AntiRacism #AntiRacismEducation
#antiracismeducation #antiracism #teachingandlearning #adulteducator #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #trauma #traumainformed #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveeducation #traumaresponsive
This conference ( is coming up and ngl, finding joy in #HigherEd is not easy and the road to #ReimagineTeaching is long. I look always to
#adriennemareebrown #ResmaaMenakem #KaiChengThom #ShawnGinwright, #BellHooks and so many others for inspiration and guidance. Thank you for blessing us with your light and joy.
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsive #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #JoyfulTeaching #ReimagineEducation @edutooters #EduTooter @edutooter #EduToot
#edutoot #edutooter #reimagineeducation #joyfulteaching #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsive #traumaresponsiveeducation #bellhooks #shawnginwright #KaiChengThom #resmaamenakem #adriennemareebrown #reimagineteaching #highered
Some reflection on 2022, which question do you find most intriguing for yourself?
#TraumaResponsiveTeaching #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Reflection2022 #Reflections #ReflectiveWriting #WritingCommunity #Writers #Writing #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #EduTooter #EduToot #WritersOfMastodon
#writersofmastodon #edutoot #edutooter #AdultLearning #adulteducation #writing #writers #writingcommunity #reflectivewriting #reflections #reflection2022 #traumaresponsiveeducation #traumaresponsiveteaching
This started out as an interview w/me but ended up with me giving significant input on the broader topic of #CorrectionsEducation (although that work isn't credited). First time being cited in an article, so that's a #Milestone 🙂
#AdultEducation #Adult Learning #TraumaResponsiveEducation #HIgherEdInPrison
#higheredinprison #traumaresponsiveeducation #adult #adulteducation #milestone #correctionseducation
@ZingerLearns @mguhlin @mattT @edutooter @edutooters
My work on building a trauma responsive practice offers an approach to classroom teaching and, more broadly, learning itself that can be transformative for any educator. Giving teachers a way to think about their work that recognizes them as full, embodied humans connects them w students differently, potentially in more joyful ways.
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #AdultLearning #AdultEducation
#adulteducation #AdultLearning #traumaresponsiveeducation
I'll be at #ASC2022 - Author Meets Critics, 11/17 @ 9:30 am in A708 if any #Criminologist or #Criminology folks are going.
I'll be talking about #CorrectionsEducation
#HIgherEdInPrison & #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#Routledge will be there w
#Routledge #traumaresponsiveeducation #higheredinprison #correctionseducation #criminology #criminologist #asc2022
I'll be at #ASC2022 - Author Meets Critics, 11/17 @ 9:30 am in A708 if any #Criminologist or #Criminology folks are going.
I'll be talking about #CorrectionsEducation
#HIgherEdInPrison & #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#Routledge will be there w
#Routledge #traumaresponsiveeducation #higheredinprison #correctionseducation #criminology #criminologist #asc2022
I'll be at #ASC2022 - Author Meets Critics, 11/17 @ 9:30 am in A708 if any #Criminologist or #Criminology folks are going.
I'll be talking about #CorrectionsEducation
#HIgherEdInPrison & #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#Routledge will be there also w
#Routledge #traumaresponsiveeducation #higheredinprison #correctionseducation #criminology #criminologist #asc2022
(repost #Introduction) hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist & adult educator for almost 25 years. Wrote the 1st book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (& 1st practical guide to #TeachingInPrison)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #AdultEducation #Academia #PublicScholar #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Edutooter @edutooters
#edutooter #traumaresponsiveeducation #publicscholar #academia #adulteducation #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction
#followbackfriday Looking for #AdultEducators #HigherEd #Criminology #Watercolor #Painters #FacultyDev #ProfDev and any folks generally interested in #TraumaResponsiveEducation #EmergentConsciousness and #JoyfulTeaching
#joyfulteaching #emergentconsciousness #traumaresponsiveeducation #profdev #facultydev #painters #watercolor #criminology #highered #adulteducators #followbackfriday
@D_J_Nathanson here's to badgering everyone about #Education, #TraumaResponsiveTeaching and ending #MassIncarceration
#HigherEd #AdultEd #AdultLearning #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #AdultLearning #adulted #highered #massincarceration #traumaresponsiveteaching #education
2nd #Introduction for #AcademicMastadon 😃 Hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the 1st guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #AdultEducation #Artist #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Watercolors #Dance
#dance #watercolors #traumaresponsiveeducation #artist #adulteducation #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #AcademicMastadon #introduction
If you're interested in learning more about trauma responsive learning and teaching, as well as teaching in prison, I'm also on Substack:
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in learning more about trauma responsive learning and teaching, as well as teaching in prison, I'm also on Substack:
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in building a trauma-responsive educators community of practice, join me here:
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in building a trauma-responsive educators community of practice, join me here:
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
My turn for an #introduction, so hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for almost 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the first practical guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #Adult Education #Academia #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #academia #adult #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction
My turn for an #introduction, so hello everyone! I'm emareena, author, educator, artist. I've been an adult educator for almost 25 years & wrote the first book on #Trauma & #AdultLearning (also the first practical guide to #TeachingInPrison.)
Next up? Rediscovering ourselves as joyful, abundant #AdultLearners as a way to strengthen our teaching practice.
#HigherEd #HigheredInPrison #CorrectionsEducation #Abolition #JoyfulTeaching #Adult Education #Academia #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #academia #adult #joyfulteaching #abolition #correctionseducation #higheredinprison #highered #AdultLearners #teachinginprison #AdultLearning #trauma #introduction
New Substack just flew into the world, check it out!
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaInformed #AdultEducation #AdultLearnimg #AbilityToLearn #CorrectionsEducation #HigherEd #Academic #Education #HigheredInPrison
#higheredinprison #education #academic #highered #correctionseducation #abilitytolearn #adultlearnimg #adulteducation #traumainformed #traumaresponsiveeducation
New Substack just flew into the world, check it out!
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaInformed #AdultEducation #AdultLearnimg #AbilityToLearn #CorrectionsEducation #HigherEd #Academic #Education #HigheredInPrison
#higheredinprison #education #academic #highered #correctionseducation #abilitytolearn #adultlearnimg #adulteducation #traumainformed #traumaresponsiveeducation