E2 is LIVE! Today, we're Moving with Hope AND making our debut on Substack!! This post has bg about the Galactic Cow, a link to E2, and the debut of Galactica's orgin story, so check out post & pod 💜
#Education #AdultEducation #TeachingAndLearning #Teaching #Learning #Hope #GalacticCow #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #Podcast #NewPodcastAlert #NewEpisode @edutooters @edutooter @Podnews @galacticcow
#newepisode #NewPodcastAlert #podcast #traumaresponsiveteaching #galacticcow #hope #learning #teaching #teachingandlearning #adulteducation #education
E2 is LIVE! Today, we're Moving with Hope AND making our debut on Substack!! This post has bg about the Galactic Cow, a link to E2, and the debut of Galactica's orgin story, so check out post & pod 💜
#Education #AdultEducation #TeachingAndLearning #Teaching #Learning #Hope #GalacticCow #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #Podcast #NewPodcastAlert #NewEpisode @edutooters @edutooter @Podnews @meoutloud
#education #adulteducation #teachingandlearning #teaching #learning #hope #galacticcow #traumaresponsiveteaching #podcast #newpodcastalert #newepisode
My convo w Phillip A Jones for The Wall: Behind & Beyond podcast! We talk about #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultLearning #Abolition & a *lot* more - give us a listen!!
#CorrectionsEducation #HIgherEdInPrison #AdultEd #CriticalCriminology #AdultEducation #TeachingAndLearning #EduToot #Criminology #EduTooter
@edutooters @edutooter
#edutooter #criminology #edutoot #teachingandlearning #adulteducation #criticalcriminology #adulted #higheredinprison #correctionseducation #abolition #AdultLearning #traumaresponsiveteaching
Some reflection on 2022, which question do you find most intriguing for yourself?
#TraumaResponsiveTeaching #TraumaResponsiveEducation #Reflection2022 #Reflections #ReflectiveWriting #WritingCommunity #Writers #Writing #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #EduTooter #EduToot #WritersOfMastodon
#writersofmastodon #edutoot #edutooter #AdultLearning #adulteducation #writing #writers #writingcommunity #reflectivewriting #reflections #reflection2022 #traumaresponsiveeducation #traumaresponsiveteaching
For anyone who's interested in bringing joy, imagination, and wonder into teaching and learning, come be part of my keynote ♥ Open to anyone who would like to participate, cost is $20-$40 so very affordable!
#TraumaResponsiveTeaching #TraumaResponsive #ReshapeEducation #EmergentLearning #AdultEducation #Education #Adultlearning #JoyInTeaching #RediscoverLearning @edutooters @edutooter #EduToot #EduTooter
(Plushie pic because they're fabulous)
#edutooter #edutoot #rediscoverlearning #joyinteaching #AdultLearning #education #adulteducation #emergentlearning #reshapeeducation #traumaresponsive #traumaresponsiveteaching
@D_J_Nathanson here's to badgering everyone about #Education, #TraumaResponsiveTeaching and ending #MassIncarceration
#HigherEd #AdultEd #AdultLearning #TraumaResponsiveEducation
#traumaresponsiveeducation #AdultLearning #adulted #highered #massincarceration #traumaresponsiveteaching #education
If you're interested in learning more about trauma responsive learning and teaching, as well as teaching in prison, I'm also on Substack: https://substack.com/traumaresponsive
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in learning more about trauma responsive learning and teaching, as well as teaching in prison, I'm also on Substack: https://substack.com/traumaresponsive
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in building a trauma-responsive educators community of practice, join me here: https://groups.google.com/g/trauma-responsive
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation
If you're interested in building a trauma-responsive educators community of practice, join me here: https://groups.google.com/g/trauma-responsive
#TraumaResponsiveEducation #TraumaResponsiveTeaching #AdultEducation #AdultLearning #HigherEdInPrison #CorrectionsEducation
#correctionseducation #higheredinprison #AdultLearning #adulteducation #traumaresponsiveteaching #traumaresponsiveeducation