Once again, I stay for everyone else, but they don't stay for me. They say they will, but do the complete opposite. That's why I've stopped asking for the most part. I wanna avoid the pain that comes with knowing I'm not worth coming through for. #TraumaSucks
That's not the way to figure this out and you know it. You need to live your life and you deserve to go out when you can. As long as you eat safely, you're good. I was concerned about you getting triggered. You don't deserve it. #TraumaSucks
I loved the first act of Wicked when I saw it. The second act was ruined with the exception of For Good by someone I was with. When I look back on that time, all I remember is this same person telling me, "I don't know how to fix you." Did I mention it was my birthday? #TraumaSucks
I'm not complaining. I'm actually pouring my heart out from experience. I don't have anywhere else to turn. If someone I love is going through something, I put them first and leave my pain and trauma out of it as much as possible. I focus on being there for them and put myself second. That's who I am. That's how I've always been. #TraumaSucks
If you're going to help someone through trauma, you don't make it about yourself! You don't concentrate on things that don't matter. You come through for them 100%, no matter how hard it is. I know bc I've done it for people time and again. #TraumaSucks
I've never had anyone sincerely say "I love all of you-especially your wounded parts." It takes a special person to speak those words and mean them. Unfortunately, I haven't met them yet. And yet, I do that for everyone else. When will my turn come? #TraumaSucks
"I say I'm fine, hey I'm fine, but I'm not. I'm broken." The truth is most people don't want to help me through my pain and trauma. Most people just want me to heal, but not come alongside me. And that hurts the most. #TraumaSucks #TruthBeTold
I'm going through some hard stuff that I could use some support to navigate. But as usual, I'm dealing with it alone. #TraumaSucks
Ironically Food for Thought from Alice's Wonderland Bakery is playing. Too bad there isn't anyone in my life I can count on like Alice sings about. #TraumaSucks