#traumainformedtherapy #mentalhealth #therapy #trauma #healing #mentalhealthawareness #traumarecovery #counseling #mentalhealthmatters #traumatherapy #selfcare #ptsd #anxiety #depression #mentalwellness #mindfulness #selflove #traumainformedcare #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthadvocate
#traumainformedtherapy #mentalhealth #therapy #trauma #healing #mentalhealthawareness #traumarecovery #counseling #MentalHealthMatters #traumatherapy #selfcare #ptsd #anxiety #depression #mentalwellness #mindfulness #selflove #traumainformedcare #MentalHealthSupport #mentalhealthadvocate
#trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #traumainformed #traumawork #traumacounseling #traumabonding #traumaprocessing #traumarelease #traumainformedcare #traumainformedpractice #traumainformedtherapy #traumainformedapproach #traumainformededucation #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedmindfulness #traumainformedhealing #traumainformedparenting #traumainformedteaching #traumainformedcommunity
#trauma #traumarecovery #traumatherapy #traumainformed #traumawork #traumacounseling #traumabonding #traumaprocessing #traumarelease #traumainformedcare #traumainformedpractice #traumainformedtherapy #traumainformedapproach #traumainformededucation #traumainformedyoga #traumainformedmindfulness #traumainformedhealing #traumainformedparenting #traumainformedteaching #traumainformedcommunity
At the end of a 3 day Congress on “ATTACHMENT AND TRAUMA” this is what I am taking home. Pondering about the fleeting concept of happiness… #happiness #trauma #attachment #happylife #humanevolution #existentialtherapy #existentialthoughts #traumatherapy #emdr #emdrtherapy
#happiness #trauma #attachment #happylife #humanevolution #existentialtherapy #existentialthoughts #traumatherapy #emdr #emdrtherapy
There will be some touch-up work to do tomorrow for sure. These square decals don't exactly work well with curved surfaces.
So I'm going to use some micro-sol and micro-set to try and get the painted-on look.
How do you pronounce "decal"? The people I listened to were Canadian and it sounded something like "deck-ehl".
#ModelingMonday #TraumaTherapy #enterprise #CPTSDRecovery #tos #StarTrek
#modelingmonday #traumatherapy #enterprise #cptsdrecovery #tos #StarTrek
Added 12 this evening. Here is a comparison between my current status and an in-game screen shot of a generic Constitution-class capital ship from the stellar (parallax) mod Ages of the Federation.
#ModelingMonday #TraumaTherapy #enterprise #CPTSDRecovery #tos #StarTrek
#modelingmonday #traumatherapy #enterprise #cptsdrecovery #tos #StarTrek
An update for my #TOS #Enterprise #model project. Coming back to decals en mass now that I've taken a break of sorts.
There are the three major steps to adding the decals, as it turns out.
Step 1: Plan it all and cut it out.
Step 2: Soak the decal in water until the decal losens from the paper.
Step 3: Using the reverse tweezers and brush, slide the decal from the paper to the model off and carefully reposition with brush.
#tos #enterprise #model #modelingmonday #traumatherapy
Starting on my TMP-era #Enterprise #model soon.
#enterprise #model #StarTrek #modelingmonday #traumatherapy
"Although we can't always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how to respond,"
This is just plain not true.
Trauma changes everything. The Fight/Flight/Freeze responses are autonomic. Which means you can’t always choose how to act when someone traumatizes you.
#trauma #traumaresponse #fightflight #personalchoice #traumatherapy
I've had a day. So far.
I've distanced myself from some family members and completely cut out others. There are less than a handful of family I'm still connected to. Some are like me and are working to not only heal from the trauma, but to grow and become healthy adults. The others? Not so much. A lot of their behaviours are learnt from trauma and a jumble of maladaptive coping mechanisms to survive, but to sustain it isn't healthy. The trauma has ended.
These people I don't want to cut out, but I've had to place strict boundaries with them. I'm considering practicing Acceptance and Commitment therapy in regards to them because they are not giving any indication of changing. Whether they will or not? I don't know, but for the moment they seem to not be able to consider a different way of being. They're stuck. I saw one of them this morning.... The conversation just repeated itself until I actively accepted this person will not change. I still have hope, but it's dwindling.
So that's me today. What a morning! Going to art and then study to cool my brain.
#traumatherapy #traumarecovery #cptsd
RT @PsychotherapyRa@twitter.com
#journeyofhealing #traumatherapy #ramonpsychotherpytoronto🌺
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PsychotherapyRa/status/1583300066739044353
#journeyofhealing #traumatherapy #ramonpsychotherpytoronto