Global News BC: South Okanagan tourism sector still reeling from travel ban #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #pentictonchamberofcommerce #SouthOkanagantourism #WatermarkBeachResort #HoodooAdventure #TourismImpact #BCWildfire #penticton #TravelBan #Economy #osoyoos
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pentictonchamberofcommerce #southokanagantourism #watermarkbeachresort #hoodooadventure #tourismimpact #BCWildfire #penticton #travelban #economy #osoyoos
#California expands #travelban list over #genderideology to include #Missouri, #Nebraska and #Wyoming
#California #travelban #genderideology #missouri #nebraska #wyoming
The #NAACP , long an advocate for #Black Americans, joined the League of United Latin American Citizens #LULAC , a #Latino #civilrights organization, and Equality #Florida , a #gayrights advocacy group, in issuing #travel advisories for the Sunshine State, where #tourism is one of the state’s largest job sectors. #travelban
#naacp #black #lulac #latino #civilrights #florida #gayrights #travel #tourism #travelban
The #NAACP has issued a travel advisory for #Florida, joining two other #civilrights groups in warning potential #tourists that recent laws and policies championed by Ron DeNazi and Florida #lawmakers are “openly hostile toward #AfricanAmericans, people of color #POC and #LGBTQ individuals.” #tourism #travelban
#naacp #florida #civilrights #tourists #lawmakers #africanamericans #poc #lgbtq #tourism #travelban
Along with former President Obama and several US TV program hosts, our own VOA director, Yolanda Lopez, makes the latest Russia #travelban list. Congrats to all.
Another weekend, another mass shooting. Do not travel to the mass murder of the world!
#murdercapital #travelban #fuckthenra
Mohammad Rasoulof banned from leaving Iran #Film #Rasoulof #Cannes2023 #TravelBan
#film #rasoulof #cannes2023 #travelban
Idaho Passes HORRIFIC Abortion Care Travel Ban
Idaho becomes first US state to restrict interstate travel for abortion care. Ana Kasparian and Brian Unger discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
#TravelBan #Idaho #Abortion #RoeVWade #AbortionTrafficking #TYT #TYTNetwork #TheYoungTurks
#travelban #idaho #abortion #roevwade #abortiontrafficking #tyt #tytnetwork #theyoungturks
Legendary #IranianFootballPlayer #Daei To Miss FIFA Ceremony Due To #TravelBan
#iranianfootballplayer #daei #travelban
I would hope that Buffalo authorities waive these fines levied on Bangladeshi mutual aid workers.
' Some 30 to 40 volunteers evacuated [more rhan 500 ]people during the blizzard, removing them from hazardous conditions and providing them warm shelter and food.
But they ran afoul of the travel ban and got caught in a ticketing blitz meant to keep drivers off the streets. '
#Bangladeshi #travelban #mutualaid #buffaloblizzard
Sister lives in area. Hopes the #travelban will be lifted tomorrow or Tuesday.
Citing unnamed sources, the #russian #newsoutlet #Baza said an order had been issued within the #russia administration that says an overseas #travelban on all its male members will be in effect until restrictions tied to the “mobilization” are lifted.
#russian #newsOutlet #baza #russia #travelban
#Canada's Justice Center says Trudeau's #travelban on #unvaccinated citizens is egregious #pandemic
#pandemic #Unvaccinated #travelban #canada
#Canada's Justice Center says Trudeau's #travelban on #unvaccinated citizens is egregious #pandemic
#pandemic #Unvaccinated #travelban #canada
OMG! Omicron, we are all gonna die! 😱 #TravelBan
#JoeBiden 's control motivated xenophobic over-reaction to the next in a never ending stream of #Variants
#variants #JoeBiden #travelban
Jab, Jab, Jab, Cha ching, Cha ching, Cha ching ..
#OmicronVarient #Omicron #VaccineMandate #OmicronVariant #TravelBan
#travelban #OmicronVariant #vaccinemandate #Omicron #OmicronVarient
Over the last few weeks, me and have chatted with Americans who have been separated with their loved ones because of Trump's #travelban. The pain of having their lives upended has been compounded by the mystery of how the travel ban works.
Now that the #TravelBan has been upheld, it is unconscionable for int’l conferences to be held in the US.
If you are on a planning committee for a 2019 conference, i implore you to fight tooth & nail to ensure the location is somewhere that doesnt discriminate by national origin.
“Whenever the #President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of #aliens as #immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” #travelban
#president #aliens #immigrants #travelban
All of you #crazyleft #legalanalysts should study up on the #legality of the #travelban. From the #LATimes. #SCOTUS
#crazyleft #legalanalysts #legality #travelban #latimes #scotus