Möchtet ihr wissen, zu welchen Kosten euer Seefisch auf den Tisch kommt? Dann schaut euch dieses Minivideo von im Fischernetz erdrosselten und ertrunkenen Non human-beings an. Graphic content!
Credit: uselessplastic @ IG
#SeaLife #UrgentNotice #GhostGear #StruggleForLife #Turtle #Whale #Dolphin #Salmon #FishIndustry #Bird #Seal #Trawl #Ocean #OceanCare #OceanConservation #Seefisch #Meeresschutz #Wal #Schildkröte #Delphin #Thunfisch #Lachs #Seehund #IG #uselessplastic
#sealife #urgentnotice #ghostgear #struggleforlife #turtle #whale #dolphin #salmon #fishindustry #bird #seal #trawl #ocean #oceancare #oceanconservation #seefisch #meeresschutz #wal #schildkrote #delphin #thunfisch #lachs #seehund #ig #uselessplastic
#recording #NowPlaying Jeff Lederer “Eightfold Path” #B3 #quartet #postbop #jazz with a fresh sound and energy. One of those things in the #roon #radio #trawl. Roon amazes me with its ability to find new music that I’ll like. Wonderful LP mix. #QobuzUSA and #Roon or #AppleMusic #lossless
#lossless #AppleMusic #QobuzUSA #trawl #radio #roon #jazz #postbop #quartet #B3 #nowplaying #recording
#recording #NowPlaying Jeff Lederer “Eightfold Path” #B3 #quartet #postbop #jazz with a fresh sound and energy. One of those things in the #roon #radio #trawl. Roon amazes me with its ability to find new music that I’ll like. Wonderful LP mix. #QobuzUSA and #Roon or #AppleMusic #lossless
#lossless #AppleMusic #QobuzUSA #trawl #radio #roon #jazz #postbop #quartet #B3 #nowplaying #recording
"Three stratified random #trawl surveys completed between 2018–2020 off the west coast North Island using RV Kaharoa provided a comparison with historical surveys last carried out in 1999. The time series reveals a substantial increase in #snapper #biomass has occurred since 1999, but a decline in pre-recruit red #gurnard was apparent. John #dory biomass also trended downwards."
#trawl #snapper #biomass #gurnard #dory #fisheries #fisheriesmanagement #ebfm #marineecology
JD Allen #jazz #quartet is bringing the #blues. Charlie Hunter playing #slideGuitar etc. #roon #radio #trawl found this record on #QobuzUSA a couple of days ago. #music #NowPlaying in #HeavyRotation
#heavyrotation #nowplaying #music #QobuzUSA #trawl #radio #roon #slideguitar #blues #quartet #jazz