RT @noraflanagan
Chicagoans overwhelmingly voted in support of #TreatmentNotTrauma in 2022, and we now have a mayoral candidate who supports it wholeheartedly. We can have this for our city. Let’s vote for it again. #BrandonIsBetter https://chicagoreader.com/commentary/op-ed-referendum-results-show-chicago-wants-treatment-not-trauma/
#treatmentnottrauma #brandonisbetter
A few "only's" that I noticed (may or may not be meaningful, just observing):
- Sawyer only candidate to mention CMAP
- Garcia only candidate to mention scooters
- Johnson only candidate to mention #BringChicagoHome and #TreatmentNotTrauma
#treatmentnottrauma #bringchicagohome
Thank you for coming out to the People's Unity Platform rally!
#chicago #endPoliceBrutality #peoplesUnityPlatform #rehumanize #treatmentNotTrauma
#treatmentnottrauma #rehumanize #peoplesunityplatform #endpolicebrutality #Chicago
Thank you for coming out to the People's Unity Platform rally!
#chicago #endPoliceBrutality #peoplesUnityPlatform #rehumanize #treatmentNotTrauma
#treatmentnottrauma #rehumanize #peoplesunityplatform #endpolicebrutality #Chicago
Rehumanize Chicago will be attending the People's Unity Platform launch supporting anti-violence policies like #TreatmentNotTrauma and police reforms.
Please join us this Saturday at 11am at the Thompson Center in #Chicago.
RT @AWKWORDrap@twitter.com
Politicians tell us Black and brown people are opposed to defunding police and reallocating resources.
This last election, Chicago won *overwhelming* support for #TreatmentNotTrauma for public mental health centers and a non-police crisis response system
RT @AWKWORDrap@twitter.com
Politicians tell us Black and brown people are opposed to defunding police and reallocating resources.
This last election, Chicago won *overwhelming* support for #TreatmentNotTrauma for public mental health centers and a non-police crisis response system
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AWKWORDrap/status/1596537464562536449
Police increase=Costly, ineffective and racist approach to transit safety...
spending millions on security w limited oversight and wasting $ on higher fare gates. Alt approaches possible (social workers, improved service) and collectively city needs #treatmentnottrauma quote RT of Keegan Stephan "Increase in police in NYC subway fails to put dent in crime, but leads to more arrests for low-level violations, particularly of people of color." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-04/is-it-safe-to-ride-the-new-york-city-subway-after-a-surge-of-more-police