#auspol extreme racist cartoons in opinion-forming news media: yet another strong reason to vote yes for a #VoicetoParliament . Also #TreatyNow and #ReparationsNow . Australians are much better than their would-be opinion shapers.
#auspol #voicetoparliament #treatynow #reparationsnow
This iconic #indigenous themed display in #kingsdomain #melbourne #australia is breathtaking, for mine.
The respect for aboriginal rights and indigenous equality is strong in these parts.
What better way to celebrate such vital aspects of modern Australia than to display such magnificent art within the heartland of the city’s botanic and recreation areas?
The eyes of these children are filled with hope, happiness and compassion.
I have a strong sense the voice of a nation is making lasting strides, for the better.
For ‘ALL’.
#victorian #melbourne #narrm #Australia #muralart #murals #mural #mastoart #art #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy
#repect #treaty #treatynow #indigenous #indigenousvoice #aboriginal #sacred #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament #voteyes
#indigenous #kingsdomain #melbourne #australia #justbeautiful #victorian #narrm #muralart #murals #mural #mastoart #art #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy #repect #treaty #treatynow #IndigenousVoice #aboriginal #sacred #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament #voteyes
Supporting First Nations people, one shirt at a time. #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #TreatyNow #VoteYesForTheVoiceToParliament #ClothingTheGaps
#alwayswasalwayswillbe #treatynow #voteyesforthevoicetoparliament #clothingthegaps
Cheers to Lidia Thorpe - support for Treaty and full solidarity with Palestinians make a bad fit with wimpy liberal Greens. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-06/lidia-thorpe-to-quit-greens-over-voice-disagreement/101935534 #TreatyNow #IndigenousX
Right now, the RAAF has planes flying in formation over the inner eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
It's appropriate that the armed forces are putting on a display today on Australia Day. Since white people settled here, we've been engaged in a genocidal war against Indigenous people. That war has never been officially declared over.
It's time for truth-telling.
It's time for our government to acknowledge the harm of colonialism.
It's time for a treaty.
#AustraliaDay #InvasionDay #Treaty #TreatyNow #SurvivalDay #AusPol #Melbourne #Naarm
#australiaday #invasionday #treaty #treatynow #survivalday #auspol #melbourne #naarm
Lidia Thorpe: 'Every day is #InvasionDay until we have a Treaty in this country.' https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/lidia-thorpe-treaty-invasion-day-voice-to-parliament/cxe0tkgme #TreatyNow #auspol
#invasionday #treatynow #auspol
Yet another #InvasionDay where we mourn the destruction of Australia's environment & Indigenous people by European capitalist colonialism. #VoiceToParliament is insufficient without a #TreatyNow. "White promises can disappear like writing in the sand." https://youtube.com/watch?v=Jf-jHCdafZY&feature=shares
#invasionday #voicetoparliament #treatynow
Amy McQuire writes incisively on the opportunities and limitations presented by the Voice https://amymcquire.substack.com/p/voting-on-the-voice-will-it-fight #TreatyNow #IndigenousX #auspol
#treatynow #indigenousx #auspol
A small #artwork plaque in #Murrumbeena #Australia echoes the majority of #Australians support for our indigenous peoples; past present and emerging.
#victorian #melbourne #narrm #Australia #repect #treaty #treatynow #indigenous #indigenousvoice #aboriginal #sacred #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament
#artwork #murrumbeena #australia #australians #victorian #melbourne #narrm #repect #treaty #treatynow #indigenous #IndigenousVoice #aboriginal #sacred #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament
This stand-alone building in #collingwood #Australia is wrapped entirely of #Australian #Indigenous art.
Painted by Ky-ya Nicholson-Ward, from the #Wurundjeri people.
The Wurundjeri people are Australian Aboriginal peoples from the #KulinNation. They are the Traditional Owners of the Birrarung (Yarra River) Valley, covering much of the present location of Narrm (Melbourne).
The messages are clear, and are supported wholeheartedly by the vast majority of #Australians; #AboriginalLivesMatter, #NoMoreDeathsInCustody and #truth, #justice and #healing.
I stand in solidarity with our traditional owners of the land; #Australias #Indigenous peoples past, present and emerging.
:firstnations: :flag_torres_strait_islands:
#KyyaNicholsonWard #victoria #melbourne #narrm #repect #treaty #treatynow #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament
#collingwood #australia #australian #indigenous #wurundjeri #kulinnation #australians #AboriginalLivesMatter #nomoredeathsincustody #truth #justice #healing #australias #kyyanicholsonward #victoria #melbourne #narrm #repect #treaty #treatynow #ulurustatementfromtheheart #voiceofparliament
with the caveat that i am a white person assuming the right to discuss this at all (i will dig up some First Nations responses in due course);
the very existence of the referendum question;
the very existence of Australia/ Constitution
assumes “might is right” OR “white superiority” OR “it’s done now best suck it up and make the mist of it” OR something else that makes it okay to decide how to provide or manage a Voice in the first place.
without an Australian government treaty / or someone ceding sovereignty there can be no “contract” between First Nations and Australia
this whole process will have the MORAL authority of a fart in a windstorm
ESPECIALLY given this is being decided NOT by ALL First Nations together but by a (carefully? 🤔) selected handful of First Nations people and a bunch of white (vested?🤔) interests.
Image text
Blackfulla Revolution
Only in Australia could they justify a referendum proposing more of the same paternalism in the name of greater Indigenous participation in decision making.
Only 0.15% of First Nations people were consulted in the Referendum Council Regional Dialogues.
0.03% of First Nations people was deemed a consensus at the National Constitutional Convention.
People were kept out, shut out and walked out.
This is what the Government thinks Indigenous participation in decision making means.
Ignoring voices for 234 years.
#AbolishTheStatement #treatynow
#abolishthestatement #treatynow
#introductions No.2 - Searchable post of hashtags I am about, for the purposes of making new connections on here :moji14:
#DisabilityJustice #ACAB #NEISvoid #RaiseTheRate #DeepEcology #LandBack #TreatyNow #DisabledJoy #ChronicPain #NeuroSpicy #Neurodivergent #Poetry #houseplants #SnailMail #PenPal #PaperCraft #BlackLivesMatter #Hypermobility #TransRights #Queer #QueerJoy #nonbinary #CatParent #TraumaInformed #Permaculture #BrainFog #Writers #PlantBasedRecipes #FatJoy #FatEmpowerment #FatAcceptance #ProChoice #mspec #ChildrensRights #FatLiberation #ChildrensLiberation #DisabledQueer #DisabledLiberation #MelbourneQueer #ArtsAndCulture
#introductions #disabilityjustice #ACAB #neisvoid #raisetherate #deepecology #Landback #treatynow #disabledjoy #chronicpain #neurospicy #neurodivergent #poetry #houseplants #snailmail #penpal #papercraft #blacklivesmatter #hypermobility #transrights #queer #queerjoy #nonbinary #catparent #traumainformed #permaculture #brainfog #writers #plantbasedrecipes #fatjoy #fatempowerment #fatacceptance #prochoice #mspec #childrensrights #fatliberation #childrensliberation #disabledqueer #disabledliberation #melbournequeer #artsandculture