A-Z of Green Capitalism - Reblogged from @CorpWatchUK - Green Capitalism explains why we can't rely on capitalism and technology. #Eco #HambiBleibt #HambacherForst #WaterIsLife #StopLine3 #EndeGelaende #EndCoal #ClimateJustice #TreburBleibt #antireport https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/10/08/a-z-of-green-capitalism/
#ClimateJustice #antireport #treburbleibt #endcoal #EndeGelaende #stopline3 #waterislife #HambacherForst #HambiBleibt #eco
The fight for climate justice is everywhere! Solidarity with the Treburer forest occupation. Weder #FRAPORT noch #RWE!
In Solidarität mit der Treburger Waldbesetzung! Gegen Flughafenausbau und die Welt, die davon abhängt!
https://treburbleibt.blackblogs.org/ #hambibleibt #treburbleibt
#treburbleibt #HambiBleibt #RWE #fraport
Enough is Enough: **The fight for climate justice is everywhere! Solidarity with the #Trebur Forest occupation! #TreburBleibt**
"Trebur Forest: The destructive expansion of industrial capitalism has many faces. Whether in the context of the expropriation of land in Notres-Dames-des-La…"
#bot #Anarchism #treburbleibt #trebur
The fight for #climatejustice is everywhere! Solidarity with the #Trebur Forest occupation! #TreburBleibt https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/09/28/the-fight-for-climate-justice-is-everywhere-solidarity-with-the-trebur-forest-occupation-treburbleibt/
#ClimateJustice #treburbleibt #trebur