As all the other #bakfiets users posted their #treeByBike pictures, I had to look on with envy. My tree was brought home by foot. Fortunately, the brush collection site is more than a stroll away.
Scheveningen #TreeByBike (it was a bit heavy but manageable)
Also: Wohnen mitten in der Stadt, fahren ewig über Land um in der nächsten Stadt nen Baum zu kaufen. Kann man so machen. Intelligent ist #TreeByBike
Contributing some history to #treebybike : Cover of The New Yorker magazine, December 19, 1942.
I've posted this before elsewhere, but I'll share here on #biketooter: One year after American entry into WWII, this cover reflects several realities; the stylish woman is taking her tree home, without a car in sight. It's a reflection of wartime rationing of gasoline and tires for personal automobiles; the fact that it's a woman fetching the tree might reflect the absence of drafted men. (cont)
Happy holidays to the #TreeByBike crowd and thanks for the idea. It was very fun to go dashing through the snow ❄️❄️🎄🎄
We even brought battery lights for the ride home 😹
Hat geklappt, sind alle ziemlich fertig aber gut wieder aus dem Wald zurück
#treebybike #lastenrad
W jedną stronę na sankach jechały dzieciaki, w drugą choinka. Coraz bardziej mi się to podoba. #TreeByBike
Mittlerweile ist das schon Tradition! Und so früh wie in diesem Jahr war ich selten dran!
#TreeByBike time. Just a wee one that fitted happily in the urban arrow with the flaps down to keep the other two saplings in there nice and cozy. was totally fine in the snow. Stable and fun.
D1 #TreeByBike
Jetzt frühe Teezeit und dann den Hänger wieder nach Wedel zurückbringen.
Büschn kalt (Winter-Radschuhe FTW!), dunkel und glatt draußen 🥶 aber nu steht #TreeByBike morgen nichts mehr im Wege.