anyone here #coppicing or #greenwoodworking?
i'm based in #SouthWestWales retraining in #woodlandsmanagement (from a long history of #creativedigitalculture) so am especially keen to find my nerdy local #treefolk <3
i'm also #neuroqueer - #autistic #adhd #cptsd #queer #gendernonconforming #sober and #unlearning societal 'norms' (ugh) so i can be the human i want and need to be, and can play my part in the #movements making the world safe, welcoming and joyful for everyone.
#introduction #movements #Unlearning #sober #gendernonconforming #queer #cptsd #adhd #autistic #neuroqueer #treefolk #creativedigitalculture #woodlandsmanagement #SouthWestWales #greenwoodworking #coppicing
A #winter #selfie (no eye contact) of #FiXato with #tree branches seemingly growing out of my head, as if I were a #dryad or other kind of #treefolk.
#winter #selfie #fixato #tree #dryad #treefolk #dailyphoto #selfportrait #MiA1Photography #trees