Expected, but still unfortunate. #TreeLaw #Universal #sagaftrastrong #wgastrong
#treelaw #universal #sagaftrastrong #wgastrong
@OGjester LA officials have confirmed that the tree-trimming was done without permits. SAG-AFTRA and the WGA have now filed formal unfair labor practice charges against Universal Pictures ( And we're diving down the #TreeLaw rabbithole. The subreddit has 77,000 members who can answer questions on everything from the different types of arborist to who is liable for a dead tree falling on your neighbor's property.
Update: SAG-AFTRA and the WGA have filed formal unfair labor practice charges against Universal Pictures. An investigation by the city of Los Angeles found that no permits had been issued for the trimming— meaning that the studio trimmed the trees in violation of city policy.
#wgastrike #sagaftra #treelaw #losangeles
Hard Core Union busting tactics! Let the strike continue and the lawsuits about Universal and NBC purposely disrupting a legal protest in order to harass union members begin.
In California, you need a permit to cut down trees or trim them when they're on public land such as sidewalks. I hope an enterprising citizen does a freedom of information request to see when those permits were issued, the reason for them, or if they were issued at all. #treelaw
Connect the dots…
Universal Pictures radically trimmed a bunch of trees outside of their Los Angeles studios that happened to shade the sidewalk where #WGA and #SAGAFTRA were picketing. They were perhaps not legally allowed to touch said trees. #TreeLaw
Over at NBC, also part of Universal, sidewalks have been dug out all around the property, allegedly for repairs but no one digs out three blocks of sidewalks all at once for repairs. This has hampered but not stopped the picketing. /1
I have been following a woman in CO on tiktok whose neighbor illegally cut down *hundreds of old trees* across *three* other properties to create a driveway +switchback to her own property. Oh and she sold the timber to someone.
So far, the Tree Cutter has escaped prosecution (much to our dismay) and everyone on TikTok hates her (rightly so).
But yeah....#TreeLaw is where it's at!
Who would have thought that the strike makes Universal Pictures kill off a lot of trees.
#treelaw #wgastrike
I'm excited for when this week's #TreeLaw discourse makes it over here. I want to be in on the hashtag before it even starts.
A man had 32 of his neighbor’s trees cut down. Now he could face a huge fine.
A homeowner has been fined for having 32 trees cut down from his neighbor’s property in New Jersey without a permit, a violation that could cost him at least $32,000 – and has already gone viral on social media.