To fix icons displaying incorrectly in Treemacs in Doom Emacs (v3.0.0-pre), run M-x "all-the-icons-install-fonts" and add this line to your config.
(setq doom-themes-treemacs-theme "doom-colors")
Then restart emacs.
ahós Merlins ! any other #Treemacs emacsgicians around here willing to share experiences ? ... i'm wondering, when highlighting a file in the Treemacs tree, how to popup the
contextual menu bye means of mouse-click but from the keyboard? thanks, thanks, thanks beforehand for your #help
Here's a screenshot of near-WYSIWYG Gnu #Emacs with #OrgMode and #Treemacs plus #GoldenDict via external-dict package, working on my paper being published with org-fleuron... it's a nice workflow... org-noter and all that!
#emacs #orgmode #treemacs #goldendict