Heute via #TreeNation 25 Bäume pflanzen lassen:
🌳🔗 https://tree-nation.com/de/baume/ansicht/4890768
#Treelink statt #Linktree :ablobcathappypaws:
#BäumePflanzen für etwas mehr sichtbare #Nachhaltigkeit - das reicht natürlich nicht und wir brauchen viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit für #Klimawandel und gesellschaftliche Veränderung, dennoch sehe ich darin ein paar gut investierte Euro.
Wer lokalere Projekte im Norden kennt die auch Spenden annehmen, kommentiert gerne diesen Trööt.
#treenation #treelink #linktree #baumepflanzen #nachhaltigkeit #klimawandel
Kennt Ihr #TreeNation? Ihr könnt dort meinen Baum gießen und selbst welche pflanzen. Schaut doch mal rein.
#climatepositive #VeganBlog #treenation
If you are on #TreeNation and have some "spare drops", I just planted a seed to remember the Italian actor Niki Giustini, who passed away 6 years ago https://tree-nation.com/seeds/view/4107132
If you are not on TN, would like to join and get a free tree, just tell me in reply, I still have a few trees to give away for free 🌳
Let's start the New Year planting some trees! 🌱
I'm giving away 10 trees through Tree Nation platform https://tree-nation.com
To get one for free, simply reply to this post and I will send a redeem url in "direct message".
- First come, first served!
- be patient, I don't spend my whole time reading socials
- only reply if interested, I don't want to waste them
Note: I'm not affiliated with TreeNation, I actually paid for these trees.
#tree #treenation #gift #planting #ecology #co2
The first seed I planted on Tree Nation just became a tree! https://tree-nation.com/trees/view/4057115
I planted a total of 17 trees so far 🎉
#treenation #green #nature #ecologie #trees #planet
I started planting trees on Tree Nation.
This is my second one https://tree-nation.com/trees/view/4057018
It feels nice!
#treenation #green #forest #plants #planet