The other problem with the roof: An apple tree has grown too big and is rubbing on it.
So I did some mid summer tree pruning, chopped the logs for BBQ wood (yum, fruit tree flavour) and since we don't have a shredder, I spread the twigs and leaves around the lawn and then shredded them with the freshly sharpened lawn mower, which worked well enough, although it was a lot of work.
#villagelife #Landlubbering #treepruning #gardening #diy
You ever wonder how they prune those cool Dr. Suess-looking pine trees in Japan?
It's complicated ✂️
Mission accomplished! The neighbor’s problematic, neglected apple tree hanging over the house has been pruned back. No more cleaning out a gutter full of scabby leaves once a week. No more scaley tailed creatures using the drooping branches as a highway to the roof. Yay! #TreePruning #RemedialArborism
#treepruning #remedialarborism
When you get hints such as this I think it maybe time for a little “pruning” of the tree