I really want to finish my PhD, but this thing (like most things) is not really set up for sick nerds who can only work 10-20 hrs/week.
but why yyyyy
it's because someone else can do 3x as much for less than it costs for me to pay my medical bills and rent to do it.
anyway, if you're rolling in the 💰💲💰, I'll send you sweet graphs on the regular and tell you everything you ever wanted to know about #treesex for $25000/yr and maybe help save us all from climate change to boot.
It looks like the individuals disappear when they get to phase 2 because I didn't pad out the series and so they disappear from the graph right after they transition to phase 2. Anyway, that's some simulated #phenology #data on the way to building a nice little #model to calculate exactly what those S shaped curves should look like so I can figure out some things about #treesex and #forestsandclimatechange
#phenology #data #model #treesex #forestsandclimatechange
Wheee! I just did my budget thru the end of the year and I will not run out of $$ before January or February.
Of course, after December, I have no more funding lined up and 2 years left in my PhD (accommodations for dreadful illness include extra time, but not extra $$).
Anyway, I AM SO EXCITED that I don't have to worry about money every second of the next 6 months.
Also, if you wish to independently fund two years of a kickass PhD on #treesex and #forestadaptationtoclimatechange, hit me up
#treesex #forestadaptationtoclimatechange
Sometimes I feel like I don't want to work and then I remember my job is figuring out things about #treesex and obviously that is great even when it involves really tedious data munging.