Update on tree-sitter structure navigation in emacs mailing list:
Want to use #Treesitter for context aware snippets in #neovim?
Check out my new blog post: https://cj.rs/blog/luasnip-and-treesitter-for-smarter-snippets/
Feedback welcome, feel free to comment by answering this post!
@Toxic_Flange I use #lazy as the plugin manager and am very fond of it.
Now, onto the plugins: #TreeSitter of course, #NVimCmp for completion with #LuaSnip for snippets, #LspConfig and #Mason for easy-as-hell-config®.
There are also color schemes, I personnaly use and love #kanagawa.
You can have a look at what I use here if you want: https://gitlab.com/pcoves/nvim/-/blob/main/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/init.lua
Be sure not to copy paste as my setup might not feet your needs.
#lazy #treesitter #nvimcmp #luasnip #lspconfig #mason #kanagawa
#treesitter in #neovim has changed the fucking game for me. it makes using intellij products feel so slow tbh
Setting up #eglot and #treesitter on #windows gotchas so far: make sure your c compiler is on your emacs exec-path.
If, like me, you're restricted to running python 2.7 (don't ask) then your language server options are limited to python-language-server and pyls (the deprecated palantir offering). That's right folks, a software choice where Microsoft appear to be the good guys?
I am thinking that the proper way to build these queries requires scripting and a proper programming language, but I do want to keep it simple to write these ad-hoc.
Do you folks have suggestions of what I could use? One thing I don't want to do is have people recompile oak when they add a new command, but I also want to make it easy to iterate on the script, so, being able to use say a JS-ide to create the command.
#tera, #jinja2, #twig, and #liquid are all very similar template languages. #HelixEditor has support for twig, but not the others, so I set the language manually to get the others. I did a little digging and there is a #treesitter grammar for liquid and jinja2, but not tera. It seems to me like there should be a standard set up with a common grammar that can be extended by each so they aren't starting from scratch. Also shouldn't there be a common standard to those templating engines altogether?
#tera #jinja2 #twig #liquid #HelixEditor #treesitter
Does someone know a good introduction to #neovim colorschemes with #TreeSitter support?
#nvim regexplainer, the plugin which tells you what your #regex is doing, now has long-awaited support for lookbehind assertions, thanks to the fixes in the upstream #treeSitter parser
Give'r a shot and let me know what you think
I wrote a guide on setting up #Emacs 29.1 for #GoLang development, because the process wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped.
#emacs #golang #programming #go #treesitter
Adding code-folding support to my #treesitter highlight example script. Here it is drawing fold regions while highlighting its own #Perl source code
#todayiachieved #treesitter #perl
If someone tried #Treesitter could be employed to create source-to-source #compilers with Treesitter parsed trees behaving like intermediate representations. :blobcat3c:
But then again, someone will go ask ChatGPT instead to rewrite the code from X to Y and all such engineering efforts would go to the drain. :blobcatpout:
Instructions for enabling #treesitter support in #Emacs 29.1 News:
@snonux Yes, we need a #TreeSitter grammar for #rakulang. That would open up a lot more possibilities.
Unfortunately, Raku's grammar is complicated, so translating that into a TreeSitter grammar would be an involved effort.
In a way, it's good that we have a readable grammar to refer to, at least.
Coming from Nvi to Vim to NeoVim, I really like the #Helix editor now. Go and Bash and Ruby and Perl programming works great. Puppet and Raku and notes taking (spell checking) need some more tweaking, still. I wonder how difficult it would be to write my own #treesitter grammar for #RakuLang and #Puppet, so I get syntax highlighting in Helix? Probably the best way is to try it out...
#helix #treesitter #rakulang #puppet
Very annoyed now that #treesitter doesn't highlight conflict markers properly. I have the diff parser installed but that doesn't do it. #neovim
Anyone aware of an open source tool that can take #typescript and generate dependency and component diagrams from it?
System notes in case it matters: I'm using #treesitter and #lsp in #doomemacs on #emacs 28 on MacOS Ventura
#typescript #treesitter #lsp #doomemacs #emacs
#treesitter grammar for #MLIR just landed in the #LLVM repository! https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/mlir/utils/tree-sitter-mlir
whoa, TIL if you :set spell in #neovim it'll only apply spell checker on comments and strings in source code. #Treesitter FTW!