Self-publishing News: Indie Author Income Survey Shows Indie Authors Earn More #sustainabilityinpublishing #IndieAuthorIncomeSurvey #SocietyofAuthors #authorsurvey #LatestNews #Books2Read #Treetome
#sustainabilityinpublishing #indieauthorincomesurvey #SocietyofAuthors #authorsurvey #latestnews #books2read #treetome
Greenwash your book, folks. Ask questions, don't make demands and above all, don't disrupt and build alternatives. Don't even make obvious shit like what I'm about to write.
Like any capitalist industry, the publishing industry is fucking wasteful.
So if you want to be ๐green๐,
Support your local library, one book loaned 100 times is better than 100 books read once.
Donate the books you've read, or buy used books, squeeze that first-sale doctrine until the spine breaks, then glue it back and if the pages loosen, tape them.
Print On Fucking Demand, don't sign for 1000 books when you'll be lucky to have 250 readers.