Gizmodo: Star Trek: Prodigy's Producer Has Hopes the Show Could Go on for More Seasons #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #startrekfandom #sciencefantasy #humaninterest #aaronwaltke #johntrimble #spaceopera #startrek #trekkie #rom #bjo
#entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #startrekfandom #sciencefantasy #humaninterest #aaronwaltke #johntrimble #spaceopera #startrek #trekkie #rom #bjo
Why yes, I'm listening to SNW's Subspace Rhapsody on repeat on Spotify.
Will the cozy mystery I'm working on develop elements of sci-fi in it when I'm not looking?
Possibly. But I'm not especially stressed by this.
#StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrek #Trekkie #SubspaceRhapsody #CozyMystery
#cozymystery #subspacerhapsody #trekkie #startrek #strangenewworlds
My favorite extreme sport is telling @angrylinus that Star Wars is better than Star Trek 🏃♀️ 💨
Est-ce qu'on peut dire officiellement que je suis #Trekkie maintenant que j'ai regardé 3 séries (et que je continue), tous les films et que j'ai tout adoré (ou dans le pire des cas "juste aimé") ?
Is #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine an OK place to start watching? I'm a non-Trekkie who has found it really difficult to get in to in the past. I've always been a #StarWars tragic, with a hint of #BattleStarGalactica. Please point me in the right direction as I make one final attempt to become a #Trekkie.
#startrek #deepspacenine #starwars #battlestargalactica #trekkie
Kotaku: As Star Wars Stagnates, Star Trek Is Flourishing #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #christopherpike #startrekfandom #humaninterest #lukeskywalker #leonardnimoy #ahsokatano #nyotauhura #numberone #lucasfilm #startrek #starwars #vulcans #trekkie #klingon #sabine #picard #disney #obiwan #ahsoka #mando #spock #uhura #kirk
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #christopherpike #startrekfandom #humaninterest #LukeSkywalker #leonardnimoy #ahsokatano #nyotauhura #numberone #lucasfilm #StarTrek #starwars #vulcans #trekkie #klingon #sabine #picard #disney #obiwan #ahsoka #mando #spock #uhura #kirk
Gizmodo: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Musical Episode Is a Glorious Triumph #startrektheoriginalseries #startrekstrangenewworlds #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #christinechapel #christinachong #rebeccabush #nyotauhura #paulwesley #jamestkirk #christine #imaxfilms #numberone #startrek #trekkie #jimkirk #vulcan #spock #uhura
#startrektheoriginalseries #startrekstrangenewworlds #entertainmentculture #softsciencefiction #christinechapel #christinachong #rebeccabush #nyotauhura #paulwesley #jamestkirk #christine #imaxfilms #numberone #startrek #trekkie #jimkirk #vulcan #spock #uhura
"Alte" #startrek Serien wie Voyager, Deep Space Nine oder Next Generation schneiden Folge für Folge spannende Themen an, nehmen sich Zeit, Charaktere zu zeichnen und sind für mich Star Trek auf hohem Niveau.
Im Vergleich dazu kacken aktuelle Produktionen wie Discovery oder Picard leider (in meinen Augen) voll ab. Sorry to say ... es mag für manche unterhaltsam sein, mag einigen auch gefallen - aber ich tue mich schon sehr schwer damit.
Umso mehr freue ich mich, dass #StrangeNewWorlds wieder vieles richtig macht. Ja, immer wieder ein Auf und Ab, nicht jede Folge ein absolutes Highlight - aber ehrlicherweise war das bei den alten Serien auch nicht anders ;-)
So - das musste mal gesagt werden, weil ich jetzt wieder gemütlich 1 - 2 Folgen Voyager genieße ("Gegen das Vergessen" aktuell gerade)
#startrek #strangenewworlds #voy #disco #ds9 #trekkie #picard #tng
Was meint ihr, liebe #Trekkie Community - werden wir bei #strangenewworlds auch den Besuch auf Talos IV noch einmal erleben?
#trekkie #strangenewworlds #startrek
@nedhamson Being somewhat of a #Trekkie I feel if there are aliens out there that could surmount the vast distances, more likely the Prime Directive would be the operative principle. Not that I don’t think that there’s life elsewhere in the universe, just unlikely to come here. Time travel is another possibility at least on the BBC. Once thing is certain - Elon is wrong, lol.
A big shout out to Pat my dear friend and colleague @patsypcp who has just joined us on here.. a woman of many talents and interests including #inventions #crafting #felting #trekkie #quizzes #diy very handy with #PowerTools She is about to launch a #podcast on #InvisibleDisability and will be able to make some great contributions to the fabulous #ChickensOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon as she has #RescueHens and a beautiful blind #Spaniel too 🐔🐾 😃
#inventions #crafting #felting #trekkie #quizzes #diy #powertools #Podcast #invisibledisability #chickensofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #rescuehens #spaniel
I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm a lifelong #Trekkie too and there are always scenes, stories and sometimes whole episodes I just don't like or even want to watch, but:
I LOVE most of the rest and I'm willing to ignore that #StarTrek isn't perfect. You can skip intros, even skip whole episodes. But maybe think about not killing the fun and love with and for Star Trek for yourself just because there are some Tribbles in the cargo hold 🖖🏻
So, that #LowerDecks crossover episode? SO GOOD! And unexpectedly touching! I would totally act like Boimler if I ever found myself on Pike’s Enterprise, not gonna lie. I felt his excitement deep in my own #Trekkie heart.
Also—there’s gonna be a musical episode? A MUSICAL EPISODE?! Y’all, I’m losing my mind in the best way possible. And there’s a trailer!
#lowerdecks #trekkie #startrek #strangenewworlds
S03E15 - Piper Maru
It took me a sec to realize why that title seemed familiar. It's because of the Kobayashi Maru. #trekkie.
Anyway we begin with a french diver in trouble and a haunted (?) shipwreck on the bottom of the ocean.
I can't tell if the guy playing Gauthier doesn't really speak French or is Quebecois or what? For all I know he speaks perfectly, my ear for French just isn't good enough.
יש מילים יותר מרגשות מ space, the final frontier בסדרה שלא ראיתי עדיין? 😍 #trekkie #strangenewworlds