Trailer TRENQUE LAUQUEN von Laura Citarella ab 1. Juni nur in den besten Kinos
#cinemastodon #filmastodon #kinomastodon #trenquelauquen
"Every time I finish a film, I always think I could have done this better but I cannot reopen the film and make it again. So for me, the answer is to make another film to correct the things that I don't like from my previous films" - Laura Citrella talks to us about the winding pathways and mysteries of Trenque Lauquen, which opens in NYC today #film #TrenqueLauquen #LauraCitrella
#film #trenquelauquen #lauracitrella
Laura Citarella’s beguiling 4 hr+ Trenque Lauquen opens in New York 4/21. Here is my take: #lauracitarella #trenquelauquen #lauraparedes #argentinecinema
#lauracitarella #trenquelauquen #lauraparedes #argentinecinema