@harriettmb @Geri @JohnLoader6
I can't use the language about her that I want to because I would be banned. She is absolutely vile. I despise #Braverman
There is plenty more mentioned in that song other just prison ships.
#Braverman has plenty in common with #Trevelyan!
King Charles has expressed regret at his family's links to #slavery and is encouraging research into the details of this.
The #Trevelyan family are donating £100k to be spent on projects in Grenada.
But the person who needs to stump up, and can well afford it, is Richard #Drax - whose ancestors were major figures in the plantation system - see https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/26/barbados-tory-mp-pay-reparations-family-slave-richard-drax-caribbean-sugar-plantation
Irish Famine
Sometimes English historical oversight is so deliberate it must be calculated, we Irish suspect.
During the Great Hunger one million Irish died from starvation, one million fled but the family of the architect of the genocide doesn't think that's important enough to mention when discussing family sins.
It's like talking about Hitler's family and not mentioning Der Fuhrer. #ireland #Trevelyan https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/cahirodoherty/charles-trevelyans-heirs-say-sorry-not-famine