#Resist #politics #kqed #nyt #lastpass #password #scotus #aclu #irc #plannedparenthood #epa #hr861 #diannefeinstein #kamalaharris #mattgaetz #thomasmassie #stevenpalazzo #barryloudermilk #eff #hr634 #nancypelosi #snl #letamericavote #fairvote #democracy.vision #fancyhands #michaelflynn #jasonchaffetz #johnduncan #darrellissa #jimjordan #marksanford #justinamash #paulgosar #scottdesjarlais #treygowdy #blakefarenthold #virginiafoxx https://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/resist?utm_source=botsin.space&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tootone
#resist #politics #kqed #nyt #lastpass #password #scotus #aclu #irc #plannedparenthood #epa #hr861 #diannefeinstein #kamalaharris #mattgaetz #thomasmassie #stevenpalazzo #barryloudermilk #eff #hr634 #nancypelosi #snl #letamericavote #fairvote #democracy #fancyhands #michaelflynn #jasonchaffetz #johnduncan #darrellissa #jimjordan #marksanford #justinamash #paulgosar #scottdesjarlais #treygowdy #blakefarenthold #virginiafoxx
#StewPeters mocks "perfect politician" #TreyGowdy – #Brighteon.TV
#brighteon #treygowdy #StewPeters
Thanks for the links.
Unfortunately invidio.us seems to be down but we'll try again later.
We have no idea who #TreyGowdy is but he sounds like a #corporatist shill.
Question: Do you think #NorthAmerica has the intestinal and #technologicalFortitude to start a #yellowVest movement?
We don't think #UScitizens on the whole, have any clue as to the forces controlling them (recently a so-called #liberal told us they're worried about the #stockMarkets! #noClue)
#treygowdy #corporatist #northamerica #technologicalFortitude #yellowvest #UScitizens #liberal #stockmarkets #noClue
((#NOAGENDA #PODCAST)) Deep State Caught Going Political To Stop Trump - NO AGENDA (990)
#NoAgendaShow #podcasting #mainstream #propaganda #politics #media #m5m #mediaBias #tech #jimjordan #deepstate #mikemorrell #treygowdy #politico #mueller #strzok #Peter #McCabe #LisaPage #texts #itm #m5m #noagendashow
#noagenda #podcast #noagendashow #podcasting #mainstream #propaganda #politics #media #m5m #mediabias #tech #jimjordan #deepstate #mikemorrell #treygowdy #politico #mueller #strzok #peter #mccabe #lisapage #texts #itm