The magic solution #shorts #magicsolution #trialanderror #hardwork #life #selfdevelopment #productivity
#productivity #selfdevelopment #life #hardwork #trialanderror #magicsolution #shorts
Looks like I borked my Fedora Asahi Mac again… But this time I know why! The most recent kernel update did me in.
After I installed XFCE, I was prompted to update. Thinking nothing of it, I went ahead and updated. Then poof, when I attempted to login in the whole system froze.
Good thing I have backed up everything from the previous Fedora Asahi installs.
Live and let learn. #trialanderror
How about other ways to solve?
If 5 consec integers = 155, I think they must be around 30, since 5•30 = 150 which is close.
Try 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34...
= 160
Too big, and too big by 5 (so I'll take 1 off of each)
29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 = 155
Happy 2023🍾🥂! The deadline for abstracts for our two special issues is only 3 weeks away. We have already received many contributions. Don't forget to send yours! #trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
#trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
Happy 2023🍾🥂! The deadline for abstracts for our two special issues is only 3 weeks away. We have already received many contributions. Don't forget to send yours! #trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
#trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
Happy 2023🍾🥂! The deadline for abstracts for our two special issues is only 3 weeks away. We have already received many contributions. Don't forget to send yours! #trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
#trialanderror #openscience #openaccess #callforproposals
One of the lessons I gleaned from helping my grandma cook was the appreciation of process. The process of preparation is as enjoyable as the finished product.
#foodie #FoodieFedi #GrowthMindset #cooking #chef #grandma #recipe #author #SelfHelp #SelfCare #writer #TrialAndError #cooks #Cookstadon #CooksOfMastodon #Foodstadon #baking
#foodie #foodiefedi #growthmindset #cooking #chef #grandma #recipe #author #selfhelp #selfcare #writer #trialanderror #cooks #cookstadon #cooksofmastodon #foodstadon #baking
Currently messing around with the "Share on Mastodon" #wordpress #plugin. Please forgive the frequent posts and deletes while I figure out the formatting... #TrialAndError
#wordpress #plugin #trialanderror
The #GrowingSeason is, for me, the fundamental principle of life, relatedness and philosophy.
It connects me to my origins, my ancestors, my environment, world-culture, awe, and #Mystery.
Every year, through the simple process of #TrialAndError, I grow in #understanding of self and surroundings.
#growingseason #mystery #trialanderror #understanding
“It was time to move. I downloaded the app – my first mistake” #trialanderror
Mastodon: “where are all the arseholes? Where are the people who want dinghies full of migrants to sink into a freezing sea? Where are the people who call us libtards? Where, now I come to think of it, are all the Tory MPs?” #TwitterMigration
#trialanderror #twittermigration
I've found that farm-raised birds have less body fat than the supermarket birds, so I cook them at a slightly lower temperature. (Discovered this through the old #TrialAndError method.) The farm birds get to run around more than the supermarket organic birds do, so they are leaner with bigger legs (drumsticks).
🅁🄴🄻🄾🄰🄳🄽🄶 🄿🄰🅃🄸🄴🄽🄲🄴 :blob_cat_oh_no: :blob_fearful: :grr_peek: :blob_cat_peek: :blob_cat_pats:
How do we save #drafts or save our work on #unpublished #posts to prevent the permanent loss of work when the app #crashes ? #trialanderror :egghs: :bleaaa: :guerrilla_why: :blob_sweat:
#mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #MastodonVocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #enduser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail
#drafts #unpublished #posts #crashes #trialanderror #mastodonapp #crashing #forceclose #technerds #tech #connectionfailure #memoryusage #networkfailure #server #serverhelp #serveravailability #intermittentavailability #newserver #data #learningcurve #adapt #migrate #migrating #mastodontechnology #mastodonvocabulary #mastodonservercovenant #technology #devs #developers #userdata #hashtags #media #upload #uploading #attachments #crash #notresponding #freeze #freezing #userreport #appissues #publish #network #serverissues #connectiontoserver #EndUser #endusers #error #errors #performanceissues #intermittentconnection #serverdown #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #liveserverclusters #intermittentnetworkissues #shutdown #appdata #savedrafts #posting #faq #usersupport #mastodonsupport #userexperience #betatesting #beta #betatester #apps #ios #apple #iphone #ipad #android #samsung #s9 #tablet #appdesign #uxdesign #fullstackdeveloper #developertools #software #bug #bugs #ux #uxfail
I’m trying the very silly process of running 3 different Mastodon iOS apps at the same time. Getting a good feel for the best features, but also getting notifications from only 1 of them. “Official” Mastodon app, Mercury and Tootle. Tootle seems maybe a bit old? Just started with Mercury and liking it. Official app is ok. #mastodonapp #trialanderror
@PapaS @sashiko @teamsauerteig
Heute dann mal ausprobiert: Mit dem Aussehen bin ich noch überhaupt nicht zufrieden, aber lecker sind sie!
Vielleicht brauchen die noch ne längere Gare. Die Stückgare über Nacht zu führen und morgens nur noch zu backen, fände ich sowieso optimal - das werde ich wohl als nächstes ausprobieren.
#trialanderror #lievitomadre #brotchen