Je continue #TriangleStrategy de mon côté et je suis impressionné par le manque de jugeote des personnages…
Depuis le début je suis persuadé d’une chose, là ça fait 4-5 chapitres que les personnages ont les éléments pour faire le lien et le déduire mais toujours rien…
C'est assez énervant 😅
4 hours into #trianglestrategy, and have only had 3 fights.
It picks up the pace, right?
I actually don’t mind the political intrigue that is going on, but it’s just so slow and I feel like I’m not getting a feel for the tactics because its so long between fights.
#trianglestrategy #gaming #tactics
Ce matin, j'ai repris #TriangleStrategy en stream pour le chapitre 2. Ça parle toujours autant, mais c'est super. On sent qu'il y a un vrai contexte politique, on est récompensé pour parler à tous les personnages lors des phases d'investigation. La partie combat reste peu présente pour le moment mais est très bien faite.
Ha! Just kidding, I immediately started another run so I can do Frederica's ending.
#gaming #nintendoswitch #trianglestrategy
Ces derniers temps, avec le boulot, je me couche plus tard, du coup je me lève plus tard, résultat, pas de streams matinaux ces derniers temps. Je n'ai pas avancé d'un iota sur #TriangleStrategy 😅
Played some more #TriangleStrategy and the story is finally picking up. I might end up enjoying this after all, the first few hours were dragging on a bit.
I was almost sure it was me.
#TriangleStrategy #SquareEnix #NintendoSwitch #videogames
#trianglestrategy #squareenix #nintendoswitch #videogames
I am absolutely blazing trails through Triangle Strategy right now. I turned the difficulty down to easy for this run to avoid grinding, and boy howdy does it accomplish that goal well.
Probably a tad *too* easy on this setting, but it's definitely keeping me from running stupid numbers of mock battles between story beats, which I appreciate.
I'll be doing Benedict's ending this time and will likely put the game down for another year after that, lol.
#gaming #nintendoswitch #trianglestrategy
Currently Playing:
I've officially jumped into New Game+ on Triangle Strategy, going into my second official run and trying to make different choices. The latest patch was definitely helpful here, as replaying story missions provides some necessary variety to grinding.
Meanwhile, DWR Summer Tournament begins! Which means I need to find a real streaming solution. . .
Stay tuned!
#finalfantasy #dragonwarrior #trianglestrategy #monsterboy #gaming #nintendoswitch #currentlyplaying
Aujourd'hui, j'ai commencé #TriangleStrategy. Ça a l'air de parler beaucoup, mais l'histoire semble vraiment intéressante avec des aspects politiques intéressants. J'ai hâte de découvrir la suite.
Well, I had to do it. I played the demo and really needed to know the story of Frederica, Serenoa, and the Roselle. I found a second-hand copy for sale and didn't give it a second thought. I love the name Triangle Strategy, too.
#nintendoswitch #squareenix #TriangleStrategy #gaming #srpg #shareyourgames
#nintendoswitch #squareenix #trianglestrategy #gaming #srpg #shareyourgames
Yesterday I tried a very generous demo on #NintendoSwitch counting about 3 hours of gameplay. It was #TriangleStrategy a tactical rpg created by #SquareEnix and released in 2022. It was the first time my hands touched that #rpg genre so I decided to play on the easiest difficulty, since I'm a very slow learner. I enjoyed the story above all else, and the pixel graphics, but the combat is complex and a match can take some time to finish. Very interesting experience :)
#nintendoswitch #trianglestrategy #squareenix #rpg
Me acabo de fijar que el Metroid Prime Resmastered gasta mucha menos batería de la Switch que el Triangle Strategy. También calienta menos la consola.
Debe ser porque a pesar de ser medio 2D el Triangle utiliza montones de efectos, shaders y pijadas varias aunque Square Enix tampoco se caracteriza por su habilidad para optimizar los juegos.
#trianglestrategy #metroidprime #switch
Serinoa: Sí... Aterra pensar en que la historia de la humanidad no es sino los hechos narrados por los más fuertes, a costa de los débiles.
Anoche justo antes de dormir terminé Triangle Strategy en Switch. Jugado en dificultad normal y me ha costado 26h42m.
Analizándolo a posteriori el juego me ha gustado mucho. La historia, la jugabilidad, los gráficos (tanto el pixel art como las ilustraciones 2D son excelentes). Es un juego de estrategia por turnos como Fire Emblem, los varios Tactics, etc. La originalidad, al menos para mí, viene de que se aleja un poco de las típicas historias de buenos contra malos y trata temas más políticos. En el juego hay 3 países (una teocracia, un reino feudal y uno más capitalista). Durante el juego vemos como pelean por recursos naturales, se alían, se traicionan, comercian, debaten, se espían... y dentro de unos límites nos deja elegir qué hacer en cada momento.
Lo peor para mi gusto es que el juego tiene demasiado texto. Entre combate y combate puede haber 20-30 minutos de cinemáticas y quizá una toma de decisiones. Supongo que tanta exposición de la historia es necesaria por los temas que se tratan pero me hubiera gustado que el juego fuera más al grano. Jugué los primeros capítulos hace meses pero lo abandoné porque me di cuenta que llevaba 3 horas y sólo había hecho un par de batallas cortas. Por suerte lo retomé y lo he terminado.
En Switch tengo pendiente el Fire Emblem Engage y el Metroid Primer Remaster. Por variar un poco de género creo que voy a jugar a este último primero.
#trianglestrategy #nintendoswitch
@bugsmith But also more recently, been playing #TriangleStrategy while waiting to get sleepy at night. I think it has a potential to define a new genre pf strategy games, with the political lobbying of votes mechanics. Lots of #geopolitical parallels in the game. :) #gamedev #gamedesign
#trianglestrategy #geopolitical #gamedev #gamedesign
#trianglestrategy is a nice addition to the " #Tactics " genre. I still prefer #ffta but it's only because Triangle Strategy writing falls off a lot by the end of the game. In particular I didn't like the mandatory choice in the village (won't say anymore to avoid spoilers) where, if you don't pick the right choice, it's Game Over.
A bad design choice and an even worse plot justification. Until that point, though, Triangle Strategy was even better than FFTA and also FFT, gameplay and lore wise.
#trianglestrategy #tactics #ffta
Ah #TriangleStrategy has some rather beautiful visuals and personally I like it a lot more than Octopath Traveler 😅👍🏻
#gaming #mastogames #gamerlife #gamers
#trianglestrategy #gaming #mastogames #gamerlife #gamers
Newest purchases (need to reign in some of my impulsivity :ablobcatknitsweats:) that do make me happy though. #LegendOfZelda #TwilightPrincess and the newest #KiraideIsasete #Manga volume + #TriangleStrategy - new #JRPG food for my #Switch. Not that I don't already have enough on my shelf... 😅
#legendofzelda #twilightprincess #kiraideisasete #manga #trianglestrategy #jrpg #switch
#TriangleStrategy is one of the best tactics games to come out in 2022 & one of the best tactics games I’ve ever played & has one of the most gripping narratives around. It runs flawlessly on #SteamDeck and #NintendoSwitch.
Thank you to Square Enix for the review copy and sponsoring the video!
#trianglestrategy #SteamDeck #nintendoswitch