Ghor es-Safi, Jordan, 2013.
A shot of the highway leading to Ghor es-Safi on a beautiful evening in 2013. One of my favorite photographs from many years of working here. CMYK print on 9x12 watercolor paper using #SolarFast dye from digital negatives.
This is from a black and white 6x9 negative, shot with my Moskva 5, artificially colorized and then converted to color separation negatives.
#BelieveInFilm #MediumFormat #TrichromePrintParteh #TrichromeParty #AlternativeProcess
#AlternativeProcess #trichromeparty #trichromeprintparteh #mediumformat #believeinfilm #solarfast
Wild Hand Yarn Shop, Mt Airy, Philadelphia, 2022. My latest #TrichromeParty #TrichromePrintParteh print with Solarfast Dye on 6x8 watercolor paper, from digital negatives via cell phone shots. Part of a growing series of night shots around my neighborhood. #BelieveinFilm #uvprint #AlternativeProcess
#AlternativeProcess #uvprint #believeinfilm #trichromeprintparteh #trichromeparty