The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright #InvisibleDisabilityRights
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright
Opvallende ondertekenaars van deze #openbrief om de rijken extra te belasten. Veelal economen en andere hoogwaardigheidsbekleders bij organisaties zoals de OESO.
Het #trickledown effect werkt niet stellen ze. Meer zelfs, het heeft de ongelijkheid alleen maar doen toenemen.
Nu ben ik eens benieuwd welke partijen hiermee verder gaan.
Lijkt me niet direct iets waar we de #vlareg veel over zullen horen. De #belreg wel, maar die worden afgeblokt door de #MR.
#openbrief #trickledown #vlareg #belreg #mr #taxtherich
But… But… if we just give the filthy rich a little more, #TrickleDown will really kick in like a golden shower on our backs!
#Republican #TrickleDown economics working exactly as designed. The fleecing of America.
Wie können das die #Grünen und die ehemalige #Arbeiterpartei mit ihrem Gewissen vereinbaren? Dafür wird schön #trickledown betrieben. Ich kotze. Bei den #IdenDesMerz wäre es nicht besser.
> @ankedb 🔗
Ein paar Bsp aus dem gruseligen Haushaltsentwurf der Ampel:
- Bundesfreiwilligendienste: - 26% (-53mio)
- Maßnahmen gg sex. Gewalt an Kindern: - 56% (aber #Chatkontrolle bei EU wegen "Kinderschutz" befürworten!)
- Umsetzung UN Behindertenkonvention: - 13%
- THW: - 10%
#grunen #arbeiterpartei #trickledown #idendesmerz #chatkontrolle
The #gop has sold us down the creek with their #trickledown #economics coupled with #unregulated #capitalism. It is a financial disaster for the bottom 90%. Hmmmmm. I wonder who really benefits?
#gop #trickledown #economics #unregulated #capitalism #uspol #oligarchs
@three_star_dave @danwentzel
LOL! (and cringe (and thanks!).
"Horse-and-sparrow" economic policy is a way of giving the rich (horses) all the food, leaving nothing for the working classes (sparrows) to eat but horse-s**t. By re-naming it "Trickle-down", #Republicans disguised how disgusting this policy is.
The phrase #TrickleDown certainly **sounds** more palatable, but no matter what you call it, the working classes are still left with nothing but horse-s**t.
#republicans #trickledown #quotes #economics #usa
Another indictment of unregulated #capitalism and #trickledown #economics. Thank you #gop #ronaldreagan #georgebush #tRump
#capitalism #gop #ronaldreagan #georgebush #trump #trickledown #economics
In other words, #TrickleDown worked exactly as it was designed to do by Republicans.
Put another way. Apparently, the #GOP via the likes of #TrickleDown, #TeaParty & #MAGA ‘economics’ would gleefully crash America into crisis and chaos because… well because that’s what they do.
“The Federal Reserve’s fight against inflation has amplified the risk of an unthinkable fiscal crisis made possible by decades of Washington dysfunction.”
Analysis | The Scary Math Behind the World’s Safest Assets
#gop #trickledown #TeaParty #MAGA
[en] To fight financial illiteracy, we mapped our money system as waterworks
"... most of us remain unfamiliar with the jargon of economists, bankers and tax experts. As in 2009, today’s democracies continue to be divided into what Taibbi describes as a “two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below.”
#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneysystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown
#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneySystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown #mediahighlights
[en] To fight financial illiteracy, we mapped our money system as waterworks
"... most of us remain unfamiliar with the jargon of economists, bankers and tax experts. As in 2009, today’s democracies continue to be divided into what Taibbi describes as a “two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below.”
#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneysystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown
#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneySystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown #mediahighlights
"This [#TrickleDown economics] is the worldview that the #Republicans have embraced since 1980 and that, #Biden said, has “failed the middle class. It failed America. It blew up the deficit. It increased inequity. And it weakened…our infrastructure. It stripped the dignity, pride, and hope out of communities...
Biden came into office determined to reverse this policy by investing in the #American people rather than in tax cuts."
#trickledown #republicans #biden #american #bidenomics #usa #economy
#Bidenomics explained
This #economic theory – which rejects the idea of “#TrickleDown” policies in favor of focusing on the #MiddleClass – will be a centerpiece of Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign. The president will highlight the achievements he’s attributing to Bidenomics in a major speech in Chicago on Wednesday.
#bidenomics #economic #trickledown #middleclass
Spray largess around
Flourishing on every self
Still no trickle down
#haiku for #dailyhaikuprompt (flourishing)
#MastoPrompt - self
#575prompt - 159- spray
#craiyon #trickledown
#haiku #dailyhaikuprompt #MastoPrompt #575prompt #craiyon #trickledown
Libertarianism is just #TrickleDown with a thin veneer of “free” dripped over it.
800 million or more people starving?
How is this possible? Billionaires are richer than ever, what happened to #TrickleDown?
Why do more than 800 million people live in hunger? - Al Jazeera
#trickledown #TaxTheRich #taxthechurches
When the rubes finally conclude that trump is a corrupt traitor and fox news lies to them nightly, it might open the perfect opportunity to explain trickle-down economics while their cemented-over zombie brains are ripe for suggestion.
#trickledown #fox #traitor #Trump