“They argue in the new report that the last two decades of wealth data show that "inequality is a political choice, not an inevitability." #TrickleDownEconomics https://mastodon.social/@weaselx86/110973842798421111
@danwentzel #TrickleDownEconomics has lifted the yachts 🛥️, and not all boats. But #TeamOrcas is correcting that imbalance.
#trickledowneconomics #teamorcas
"The real magic of trickle-down economics, by the way, isn’t to convince people that if the rich get richer, that’s good for the economy and therefore good for you. The real power comes from convincing people that if the poor get richer, that will be bad for the economy and bad for you.
This is why economics is often less science and more scam."
#NickHanauer, 2015
#nickhanauer #trickledowneconomics #neoliberal #propaganda
In case you need reminding, #trickledowneconomics is a total #hoax, always has been.
#Capitalism #CapitalismKills #capitalismisascam #CapitalismIsACult #NoMoreBillionaires #TaxTheRich
#trickledowneconomics #hoax #capitalism #capitalismkills #capitalismisascam #capitalismisacult #nomorebillionaires #TaxTheRich
Dear #mastodon
I've only been here since Nov 2022, but I am very disappointed that this hasn't occurred once in my timeline
#QAnon #Clintons #ConspiracyTheories
#onepercent #taxtherich #taxes #trickledowneconomics #conspiracytheories #clintons #qanon #Mastodon
🥥 I have a #SincerelyHeldReligiousBelief that a toot about #TrickleDownEconomics deserves to have a comment containing the hashtag #GeneralStrike. 🥥
#sincerelyheldreligiousbelief #trickledowneconomics #generalstrike
@bigblen yup, seems like pandering to wealthy (or aspiring) capitalists... and that, in turn, belies a belief in #TrickleDownEconomics, which I would've hoped Labour would be bright enough to give the short shrift it richly deserves. @lightweight@mastodon.nzoss.nz
@Rjdlandscapes @leighelse both still seem dedicated to #TrickleDownEconomics, which is, of course, utter farce. Seems amazing to think that any one could actually see either party as credible.
@jussiog En voi lukea juttua, mutta kommentoinpa silti.
Manifestointi varmaan trickle down tosi tehokkaasti.
Low-income households eating less and taking cold showers to keep roof over their heads, whilst Anthony #Albanese & the Labor party live a life of upper-class #luxury like royal #parasites
#poverty #australia #ausgov #politas #classwar #capitalism #royalparasites #eattherich #centrelink #welfare #wage #salary #trickledowneconomics #humanrights
#Albanese #luxury #parasites #poverty #australia #AusGov #politas #classwar #capitalism #royalparasites #EatTheRich #Centrelink #Welfare #wage #salary #trickledowneconomics #humanrights
#trickledowneconomics #trickledowneconomy #trickledownbullshit #eattherich #unions
Just watched on catch-up Patrick Grant's documentary Coronation Tailors, which looks at the work of the Kashket family business which (and here is where they make their money) the contract for all (!!) service uniforms in the UK... its a great testament to high-skilled hand manufacturing in clothing, and while I have little time for #trickledowneconomics does show that some of the money is escaping into peoples' pockets - its also a fascinating bit of clothing history
The economic shock to pretty much everyone except those with these lucrative tax breaks is of course not a proble,. #housing #taxbreaks #trickledowneconomics #auspol
#housing #taxbreaks #trickledowneconomics #auspol
@rbreich This is why I've called #TrickleDownEconomics #TinkleDownEconomics.
#tinkledowneconomics #trickledowneconomics
@rbreich 🥥 #TrickleDownEconomics has been an unmitigated disaster for everyone except the ultra-wealthy that it was designed to benefit. For them, it worked as intended. 🥥
It makes me sick in the stomach reading this. Both of the major parties support #Stage3taxcuts which personally benefit their pockets.
#trickledowneconomics is still alive and well in this country even though it has been shown world wide that it is a failure. #auspol
#stage3taxcuts #trickledowneconomics #auspol
"#Grocery #prices have risen by 8% since last year"
#Capitalism #proves how #greedy #capitalist #fascist #assholes actually are.
#classwar #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #greedisthecreed #greed #gst #tax #cost #poverty #pyramidscheme #trickledowneconomics #albanese #alp #labor #australianlaborparty #centrelink #welfare #eattherich #fuckthesystem
#grocery #prices #capitalism #proves #greedy #capitalist #Fascist #assholes #classwar #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #greedisthecreed #greed #gst #tax #cost #poverty #pyramidscheme #trickledowneconomics #Albanese #alp #labor #australianlaborparty #Centrelink #Welfare #EatTheRich #fuckthesystem
Can you beat the bank by paying $1 a day extra on your mortgage? A lesson in compounding interest has the answer - no!
I suppose the punters gullible enough to swallow this #CompoundInterest claptrap are the same ones who believe #TrickleDownEconomics is true
#compoundinterest #trickledowneconomics
BTW All the economists and governments who have acknowledged that #trickledowneconomics is garbage and doesn’t work are treating us like chumps. It is still their policy until they increase taxes at the top end.
So ask your representatives why they still believe in Trickle Down Economics which has destroyed or is destroying our social fabric. #auspol
#trickledowneconomics #auspol #labor #liberal #coalition