"Beginning with Reagan, 50 years of wingnut propaganda have convinced two generations of Americans that government that does fuck-all to help its citizens is normal."
Couldn't have said it better. Republicans created the doubt, then they claim to have the solution. Fifty years later, and look what we are -- a collection of ultra-selfish, sociopathic wingnuts screaming the anti-immigrant and fascistic trope #AmericaFirst all over again.
#TrickleDownEffect #Reaganomics
#americafirst #trickledowneffect #reaganomics
#Oben #Unten #reich #arm #ArmchairMillionaire #Germany #Inflation #DerobereRand #TrickleDownEffect #Müßiggang #Müßiggänger #Superreich #Solidarität #Vermögen #VomVermögenleben #Fairness #Gerechtigkeit #SozialeGerechtigkeit #Infrastrukturzerfall #Geld
809.000 Deutsche müssen nicht arbeiten (Statista + Kommentar) +++ Fair oder Armchair Millionaire | Briefing 102 | Demokratie in Gefahr | #Erben #Erbschaft #Superreiche #Reiche #Müßiggang #HartzIV #Bürgergeld #Inflation
#oben #unten #reich #arm #armchairmillionaire #germany #inflation #derobererand #trickledowneffect #mußiggang #mußigganger #superreich #solidaritat #vermogen #vomvermogenleben #fairness #gerechtigkeit #sozialegerechtigkeit #infrastrukturzerfall #geld #erben #erbschaft #superreiche #reiche #hartziv #burgergeld
Preaching to the coverted, yes, but: the #trickledowneffect is a fucking lie! #trickledown #lie #bullshit
#bullshit #lie #trickledown #trickledowneffect