Oh I have found another one called #Tridactyl which actually has similar features to Qutebrowser.
Some #FavoriteTools
#Vim for #TextEditing
#Firefox w/ #Tridactyl #uBlockOrigin
#Diigo for #Tagging and #Bookmarking web pages
#Inoreader #RSS reader
#Pandoc for document creation/conversion
#Ubuntu (even if it's under Windows)
#Python w/ #Jupyter #Pandas #Matplotlib #numpy #scipy #plac
#TheBrain for #KnowledgeManagement
#MoonReader ebooks and PDFs
#RolandFP90 for #piano #music
#transcribe for working through #music #video
#Leatherman #SkeletoolCX for when my fingers need help
#skeletoolcx #leatherman #video #transcribe #music #piano #rolandfp90 #moonreader #knowledgemanagement #thebrain #plac #scipy #numpy #matplotlib #pandas #jupyter #python #ubuntu #pandoc #rss #inoreader #bookmarking #tagging #Diigo #ublockorigin #tridactyl #firefox #textediting #vim #favoritetools
PSA for #Tridactyl users who may have been living under a rock like yours truly:
v1.23 adds support for tab groups!
It works well, and means there's no more need for extra #Firefox extensions. Yay!
@wwwgem I’ve been trying #tridactyl for the last few months and I’m loving it. So much easier to keep hands on the keyboard…
When vim bindings contaminate your web browser
#tridactyl #firefox #librewolf #vim
@Mehrad you can try #tridactyl it has #emacs support. Also you can use your $EDITOR to write text in any textarea
i loved #qutebrowser for many months because it's vim-like keybindings felt natural for me, even on #mobilelinux. but i'm done with chromium webengine updates breaking stuff again and again, so i'm trying to emulate the feel of qute's keybindings with #firefox #tridactyl. after installing the firefox mobile config, tridactyl keybindings, and hiding the tab bar it is pleasant to use so far on a small screen. hooray for free software!
#qutebrowser #mobilelinux #firefox #tridactyl
似乎是不錯的作法,把 private code 放在 #git subtree 裡,然後只公開必要的部份。
只是我可能會反過來,把公開部份放在 subtree 裡,目前預計是寫幾個 git hook 腳本,在提交 #tridactyl rc 後自動過濾生成公開版本。
但就一定要另外立一個 repository 了, #gitlab 似乎沒有 branch 層級的隱私設定。
#tridactyl 追一個難以溯源和重現的 bug ,追到一些古老的 commit ,最後發現某個相當底層的函數因為 Object.assign 意外修改了 copy by reference 的原始物件,難以想像這麼大的 bug 造成的行為只是偶爾把 config 搞亂而已
#tridactyl 的 state ,雖然加註了 *Here be dragons* ,但其實也沒什麼特別的。
但 typescript 的 (?) bundler 讓整件事變的很複雜。當你 export default 外又 export 了一些其他東西,然後用 `import * as State` 載入,那打包後在執行期間 State.something 就不會指到 export 的東西,而是指到 defult 的屬性。
和 repeat 奮鬥一個多小時,終於做好暫時讓 `.` (repeat) 鎖在某一命令的功能了。
`g.` 可以鎖定上一個命令到 `.`,之後就算用了其它命令, `.` 還是只會執行鎖定的命令。
再按一次 `g.` 即取消, `2g.` 則是會重新鎖定為當下的上一個命令。
Newest technical frustration: getting Mastodon's and Tridactyl's keyboard bindings to play nice.
Notably, 'f' is either "favourite toot" (Mastodon) or "Hint mode" (Tridactyl).
OK, the fix appears to be:
Shift + Insert or Ctrl-Alt-Escape — enter "ignore mode" to send all key presses to the web page you are on. Press Shift + Insert or Ctrl-Alt-Escape again to return to the highly productive "normal mode".
Though my MacOS keyboard lacks both "insert and "alt" keys...
OK, "Opt" is "Esc". And once I've used my re-mapped Ctrl kiey (capslock), we're in Ignore mode, which is where I want to be for now...
#tridactyl #mastodon #tips #firefox #browserextensions
@sl33pysh4m4n Glad to hear you made the switch to :firefox: ! My recommendations are as follows:
Must haves:
#UblockOrigin - ad and content blocker (made by same guy as ublock, just simpler and more user friendly)
#HTTPSEverywhere - enforces secure connection by default
#Tridactyl - control Firefox from the keyboard with vim style keybindings
#PrivacyPossum - blocks referrer and header requests that could reveal info
#PrivacyPossum - blocks trackers
#ublockorigin #httpseverywhere #tridactyl #privacypossum
> I've used it! But I rely heavily on #tridactyl which does not work with #browsh 🙁
What doesn't work about it? I read that we extension work with Browsh, but haven't tried any out yet
> I've used it! But I rely heavily on #tridactyl which does not work with #browsh 🙁
What doesn't work about it? I read that we extension work with Browsh, but haven't tried any out yet
@codesections I've used it! But I rely heavily on #tridactyl which does not work with #browsh 🙁