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Tried,Tested and True / Liz Harfull

Having looked at the 2 Blue Ribbon cookbooks by Liz Harfull (see ⬆️ ) , it is worth completing the trio with her latest book.

🇦🇺 Tried True and Tested is a collection of recipes from community cookbooks, the ones that were very common mid to late last century. Accompanying the recipes are gorgeous stories of the people who contributed them. Not only does it contain those recipes we grew up with, it is another book that showcases Australian food history. You can see it on Liz's website

True to the form of the community cookbooks I had, often published by church-affiliated women' groups and the Country Women's Association, this book contains mostly sweet recipes and meat recipes. There were very few veg recipes in those books! I used to have quite a few from my Aunties.

Tried Tested and True, by Liz Harfull
Published: 2018
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 320
Price: Around $25AU, beginning to be scarce. Ebook is available and can be cheaper.

Recommended by lovers of older recipes and of Australian food history.

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Last updated 1 year ago