Gofundme to try and recoup Trigger Cut's losses as a result of their cancelled UK tour.
#livemusic #triggercut #brexit #uk
German punk band ‘humiliated’ after being refused UK entry due to post-Brexit rules | Brexit | The Guardian
Hash tag list:
#brexit #triggercut #GermanPunkBand #UKBorderForce #charlatans #TouringMusicians #CertificateOfSponsorship #PermittedPaidEngagement #Visas
Been following this on Ralph's Instagram account. The guardian article explains the legal issues. An absolute disgrace, but sadly this IS what the Brex$hit bastards voted for.
#livemusic #uk #brexit #triggercut
German punk band ‘humiliated’ after being refused UK entry due to post-Brexit rules
#livemusic #uk #brexit #triggercut
This sucks for the German punk band Trigger Cut, who got caught up in stupid Brexit shit. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/apr/10/german-punk-band-humiliated-after-being-refused-uk-entry-due-to-post-brexit-rules
I never heard of them before this article - they're pretty good. If you like them or even if you don't, consider helping them out via their bandcamp page.
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
Trigger Cut:
🎵 YESSSS Brother
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #triggercut