For most kids, all that time spent learning #trigonometry in high school is wasted, worthless time. For most, trig has no real world practical application.
I don't buy into the argument that trig teaches problem-solving skills. That's not enough.
#Videogames also teach problem-solving skills. And they, unlike trig, frequently make you deal with the consequences of making poor decisions.
Dealing with consequences is a more valuable teaching outcome than problem-solving alone.
This is a fun #trigonometry #geometry site I can't believe I've never known about before. Kind of like proofs-without-words puzzles. Scroll the table of contents and pick out a fun one! The famous three triangles problem has always been a fav of mine since there are so many methods of solution.
This is a fun #trigonometry #geometry site I can't believe I've never known about before. Kind of like proofs-without-words puzzles. Scroll the table of contents a pick out a fun one! The famous three triangles problem has always been a fav of mine since there are so many methods of solution.
It follows from GM / DG = cos(0.5 * γ) / cos(0.5 * α) and (MN / EN) = cos(0.5 * α) / cos(0.5 * γ), where α is the angle at A, and γ is the angle at C. Since DM = ME, the conclusion is easily deduced. You can find the detailed steps here:
#trigonometry #geometry #halfanglesmatter #math
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Ray from “Trigonometry“ - #Trigonometry #LWTVcotd
Teaching right triangle trig? Check out this reference chart I created for my precalculus students last year while we were reviewing the trigonometry they learned in geometry class.
#mtbos #iteachmath #classroommath #precalculus #geometry #trigonometry
#trigonometry #geometry #precalculus #classroommath #iteachmath #mtbos
So many people to thank for inspiration on this post:
and @rrogers for the helpful comment this morning!
#ClassroomMath #MathEd
#MTBoS #iTeachMath #UnitChat #ElemMathChat #trigonometry #Units
#units #trigonometry #ElemMathChat #unitChat #iteachmath #mtbos #mathed #classroommath
Trying some relabeling to see if it adds clarity. All vectors are in polar coordinate. The idea is to think in terms of vectors rather than x,y coordinates until the very end
I wonder if there is a visual / synthetic proof of sin 20 + sin 40 = sin 80 (as opposed to a trigonometric one)
New Trigonometry Activity Alert:
Evaluating Trig Functions of Quadrantal Angles Odd One Out Activity
#mtbos #iteachmath #classroommath #mathed #trigonometry #precalculus
#precalculus #trigonometry #mathed #classroommath #iteachmath #mtbos
Math from #BlackSTEM #BlackSTEMGifs #TrigThursday #TrigTuesday #Trigonometry #TrigRatios #PEMAS #OrderOfOperations
#orderofoperations #pemas #trigratios #trigonometry #trigtuesday #trigthursday #BlackSTEMGifs #BlackSTEM
Now an integral involving the silver ratio:
#math #calculus #integral #trigonometry #silverratio
#silverratio #trigonometry #integral #calculus #math
Eleanor Robson, Neither Sherlock Holmes nor Babylon: A Reassessment of Plimpton 322, Historia Mathematica, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2001,Pages 167-206, ISSN 0315-0860, #OpenAccess #OA #History #Histodon #Histodons #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Babylon #AncientNearEast #Pythagoras #Plimpton322 #Trigonometry #Trig @histodon @histodons @science
#openaccess #oa #history #histodon #histodons #maths #math #mathematics #babylon #ancientneareast #pythagoras #Plimpton322 #trigonometry #trig
Mansfield and Wildberger. Plimpton 322 Is Babylonian Exact Sexagesimal Trigonometry. Elsevier BV, 2017, doi: #OpenAccess #OA #Trigonometry #Babylon #Tablet #Pythagoreantriples #Plimpton322 #History #Maths #Math #Mathematics #Research #Article #STEM @histodon @histodons @science
#oa #trigonometry #article #stem #Pythagoreantriples #Plimpton322 #maths #math #mathematics #openaccess #babylon #tablet #history #research
@ColinTheMathmo students in US generally encounter sine & cosine in geometry class during 9th or 10th grade. They are introduced as ratios of sides in right triangles (along with tangent).
No graphing of trig functions or unit circle til much later, usually PreCalculus (2 years later).
Some schools introduce unit circle and radian measure earlier than Precalc, the smoothest way to create unit circle IMO is to build it from special right triangles (30-60-90 & 45-45-90). Radian measure is usually really confusing to Ss , they often memorize the conversion "180° = pi radians" without really grasping what it's all about.
#iteachmath #mtbos #trigonometry #mathed #classroommath
A question for the #MtBoS community ...
At what age do students meet sine and cosine?
Do you use distances on a Unit Circle, or some other definition?
Thanks ... if you're happy to do so, please boost for reach.
Extra hashtags for searching ...
#trigonometry #trig #mathsed #mathed #mtbos
Another basic trig problem that emphasizes inverse power reduction.
Sin x + sin 2 x + sin 3 x = 0
Solve for x.
#math #maths #mathematics #mathematiques #trigonometry #Trigonometrie
Toutes les identités trigonométriques de base en une seule figure. :mastolove:
C'est particulièrement bien illustrée comme preuve visuelle de la façon dont le théorème de Pythagore et l'équation d'un cercle sont si interdépendants. C'est un concept vraiment difficile à expliquer verbalement, mais cette figure le rend si clair.
#math #maths #mathematics #mathematiques #trigonometry #trigonometrie
Why is the sine of 1,234,567,890 degrees equal to 1?
Because strangely enough, 1234567890 = (360*3429355) + 90.