#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#kirby_orange #squishy #size_difference #triksa #original_species #tiny #pony #beach #2_panel_comic #lying_down
Oh gosh! There is something or someone in you drink https://twitter.com/AlexBroAnimator! Y-you aleady drink it? Oh well...
My part of the trade! Hiss! Hope you enjoy~
#lying_down #2_panel_comic #beach #tiny #original_species #triksa #size_difference #squishy #kirby_orange #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Kirby_orange:
#snake #horn #oc #tongue_out #tail #ponytail #butt #triksa #implied_vore #hybrid
My first art trade gift for my friend Triksa https://www.twitter.com/Triksa_swp
#hybrid #implied_vore #triksa #butt #ponytail #tail #tongue_out #oc #horn #snake #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#triksa #digestion #tongue_out #furry #melting #stealing #semi-grimdark #comic #furry_oc #vore
Sometimes when your dinner is stolen, you and your prey become dinner themselves! So is happening here!
That was a colored sketch commission for @HungryMausie
Thank you so much cutie!
That was fun drawing your kitty again ^w^
#furry_oc #comic #semi #stealing #melting #furry #tongue_out #digestion #triksa #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#lamia #questionable #oc_only #triksa #x-ray #dusk_sunrich #hat #internal #stomach_acid #female
Snek saves her mate from the wasteland heat!
Sketch commission for Lupine ~
#female #stomach_acid #internal #hat #dusk_sunrich #x #triksa #oc_only #questionable #lamia #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#oc #triksa #struggling #suggestive #bulges #lamia #original_species #implied_death #triksa #forest
Sometimes there is always a bigger noodle in the forest! >:3
Shade commission for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thebronydog
Thank you!
#forest #implied_death #original_species #lamia #bulges #suggestive #struggling #triksa #oc #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#crying #triksa #digestion #pinned #stomping #forest #sharp_teeth #lying_down #struggling #implied_death
Hiss! What day is it today? It's 8/8! Triksa decided to make a special tour for her friends! Happy vore day everyone~
Played Hungry Lamu not so long ago, and friend give me that idea. Ahhh! What if Triksa sees everything is good, but for real its evil! Ahhh!
#implied_death #struggling #lying_down #sharp_teeth #forest #stomping #pinned #digestion #triksa #crying #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#uvula #furry #mawshot #oc #triksa #internal #open_mouth #text #suggestive #lamia
Hiss! What day is it today? It's 8/8! Triksa decided to make a special tour for her friends! Happy vore day everyone~
#lamia #suggestive #text #open_mouth #internal #triksa #oc #mawshot #furry #uvula #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#uvula #internal #nom #triksa #excited #implied_vore #size_difference #open_mouth #mawshot #oc
A cutie invites tasty noodle in a safe place!
Or maybe noodle ask? x3
Colored sketch commission for Cuteamena
Thank you~
#oc #mawshot #open_mouth #size_difference #implied_vore #excited #triksa #nom #internal #uvula #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#drool_string #implied_vore #triksa #triksa #open_mouth #mawshot #mare #hanging #pony #vore
Something in my throat! What should i do >^<
Colored sketch commission for https://twitter.com/IAmFluShie
#hanging #mare #mawshot #open_mouth #triksa #implied_vore #drool_string #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#simple_background #triksa #big_belly #male_pred #tail_sticking_out #oc_only #struggling #belly #stomach_noise #unwilling
Cutie buggo get a wonderful meal it seems~
Flat color commission for https://twitter.com/CopycatNsfw ~
Thank you!
#unwilling #stomach_noise #belly #struggling #oc_only #tail_sticking_out #male_pred #big_belly #triksa #simple_background #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#gulp #pokémon #impossibly_large_belly #stomach_noise #squishy #tail #oral_vore #triksa #sitting #comic
Adorable cuties having a wonderful time together ^w^
Shade commission for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/selena.qt
Thank you very much!
#comic #sitting #triksa #oral_vore #tail #squishy #stomach_noise #impossibly_large_belly #pokémon #gulp #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by TeroPone:
#mare #unknown_prey #female #suggestive #triksa #drool_string #pony #pony_pred #snake #esophagus
#esophagus #snake #pony_pred #drool_string #triksa #suggestive #female #unknown_prey #mare #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#salivating #snake #inside_mouth #french_kiss #lamia #bulges #suggestive #triksa #tongue_play #oc
Looks like Opal wants to suckle noodle before gulping her down!
Shade commission
#oc #tongue_play #triksa #suggestive #bulges #lamia #french_kiss #inside_mouth #snake #salivating #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#simple_background #original_species #stomach_noise #struggling #triksa #raider #burping_up_items #fallout #suggestive #snapshot
Sometimes you need a good meal in your jornery <~<
Flat color commission for Raider_Pony
#snapshot #suggestive #fallout #burping_up_items #raider #triksa #struggling #stomach_noise #original_species #simple_background #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#unwilling_prey #burp #snake #scarlet_sound #death #suggestive #skull #triksa #monster #deep_rock_galactic
Dreadnoughts are very dangerous! And hungry! x3
A little gift for my friend~
#deep_rock_galactic #monster #triksa #skull #suggestive #death #scarlet_sound #snake #burp #unwilling_prey #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#striped_socks #comic #vore #tight_fit #safe_vore #worried #abdominal_bulge #clothes #triksa #bat_pony
Another piece of art with different sweet cutie~
#bat_pony #triksa #clothes #abdominal_bulge #worried #safe_vore #tight_fit #comic #striped_socks #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#tail_sticking_out #hybrid #safe_vore #triksa #sophia #wink #comic #internal #oc_only #one_eye_closed
Cutie bat pony wanted her friend to get comfy~
Or she was just hungry ^w^
Flat color commission for https://twitter.com/ChinezKitty
#one_eye_closed #oc_only #internal #comic #wink #sophia #triksa #safe_vore #hybrid #tail_sticking_out #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#female #triksa #joe_mama #male #original_species #hybrid #digestion #sleeping #stomach_noise #bulges
Shork find a cutie (and tasty) meal!
And now need to take a little nap~
Colored sketch commission for https://twitter.com/tide_ultra
#bulges #stomach_noise #sleeping #digestion #hybrid #original_species #male #joe_mama #triksa #female #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#stable #unicorn #screaming #triksa #oc #female #fallout #tempred #mare #overseer
Oh look! Triksa gladly hands over authority to the new overseer of the vault! And it looks like the new Overseer decided to take a slurp right there ^w^
Shade comission William Potter
#overseer #mare #tempred #fallout #female #oc #triksa #screaming #unicorn #stable #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw
#nsfw #mlp #pony #vore #art by Triksa:
#bored #wasteland #littlepip #unicorn #fallout_equestria #weapon #vore #triksa #safe_vore #blackjack
Guess Black Jack really likes her meal. She even went up to an adventure! After a few days little snack looking a bit bored in that squishy room <~<
Commission for Bronydog
#Blackjack #safe_vore #triksa #weapon #fallout_equestria #unicorn #littlepip #wasteland #bored #art #vore #pony #mlp #nsfw