@adam @Johncdvorak
copy pasta:
If you want to know the global agenda just read their books. Their is nothing secret about what they do.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Scwab
A Brief History of the Future by Jacques Attali
They are transhumanist. You can go back to Aldous Huxley and H.G. Wells. There is a history of these people. None of it is hidden.
#WEF #NWO #CFR #CNP #Bilderberg #RockefellerFoundation #trilateralcomission #klaus
#wef #nwo #cfr #bilderberg #klaus #rockefellerfoundation #cnp #trilateralcomission
A handy list of #Canadian politicians who've been infiltrated by the #WEF & #Klaus #Schwab.
Let's not forget about the classics, it's more than just the #WEF #trilateralcomission #clubofrome #bilderberg #RockefellerFoundation #NWO #CouncilOnForeignRelations
#CFR #CouncilOnNationalPolicy #CNP
#CouncilOnNationalPolicy #wef #trilateralcomission #rockefellerfoundation #cnp #canadian #klaus #Schwab #nwo #clubofrome #bilderberg #cfr #councilonforeignrelations