isopod - Isopoda is an order of crustaceans that includes woodlice, the pill-bug (or roll-poly), the marine giant isopod, and other relatives. All have rigid, segmented exoskeletons, two pairs of antennae, and seven pairs of jointed limbs on the thorax. Isopods live in the sea, in fresh water, or on land.
#appendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Michael Prescott's one-page dungeon Steeps of the Ur-Menig from Trilemma Adventures.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #ttrpg #osr #onepagedungeon #trilemmaAdventures
Last 5 games I GMed/played:
1. #bladesinthedark
2. #UltravioletGrasslands
3. #dungeonworld (plus #trilemmaAdventures)
4. #Monsterhearts2
5. #Warhammer2e (didn't age well...)
Up next:
1. #PasionDeLasPasiones
2. #BrindlewoodBay
3. #CornyGroń
4. #mountainhome
5. #MutantYearZero
#ttrpg #5and5 #bladesinthedark #UltravioletGrasslands #dungeonworld #trilemmaAdventures #Monsterhearts2 #Warhammer2e #PasionDeLasPasiones #BrindlewoodBay #CornyGroń #mountainhome #MutantYearZero