I mean, Fate Core is next on my list of game systems to try, so Trinity is a ways out, if ever. And tbh at the moment I can only think of one friend who likely would really want to play. But I am really curious about systems right now because I love new things.
#fatecore #faterpg #trinitycontinuum #rpgsystems
Ok folks, who has played Trinity Continuum? (or anything StoryPath)
Just curious because a bunch of Trinity Continuum games were on sale for DIRT CHEAP on DriveThru RPG so I figured I had nothing to lose. I'm interested in the world but finding that the gaming system sounds pretty clunky.
Thoughts? Feelings? Advice?
#TrinityContinuum #StoryPath #ttrpg #TableTopGaming #rpgs #OnyxPathPublishing #rpgSystems #notDnD #DriveThruRPG #ScionRPG
#trinitycontinuum #storypath #ttrpg #tabletopgaming #rpgs #onyxpathpublishing #rpgsystems #notdnd #drivethrurpg #scionrpg
So #TTRPG, the last couple of years were a challenging time but a great time for online gaming. I've tried a lot of new systems and met new people. Systems I've played around with recently:
1. #Coriolis
2. #FFG #StarWars
3. #Vaesen
4. #Phanta
5. #TalesFromTheLoop
(Honorable mention to #ConspiracyX)
Systems I want to try now I'm figuring out online #VTT
1. #Degenesis
2. #CallOfCthulhu
3. #TrinityContinuum
4. #MorkBorg
5. #Cy_Borg
and #Liminal is still staring at me on the shelf.
#talesfromtheloop #ttrpg #coriolis #ffg #starwars #vaesen #phanta #conspiracyx #vtt #degenesis #callofcthulhu #trinitycontinuum #morkborg #cy_borg #liminal