Watching the #NASA #artemis mission live feed fills me with a sense of wonder and hope.
(And also a bunch of ideas for #trinitycontinuumaeon #ttrpg campaigns...)
#ttrpg #trinitycontinuumaeon #artemis #nasa
Seeing the new #LegionofSuperheroes trailer from #Warnerbros has given me thoughts of a "supers in space" style #trinitycontinuumaeon #ttrpg campaign.
#ttrpg #trinitycontinuumaeon #Warnerbros #LegionofSuperheroes
In response:
#5and5 #ttrpg
5 Recently played games:
1. #fadingsuns
2. #starwarsageofrebellion
3. #starwarsedegoftheempire
4. #coriolis
5. #judgedreddandtheworldsof2000ad
5 games I want to play
1. #theonering
2. #duneadventuresintheimperium
3. #trinitycontinuumaeon
4. #thosedarkplaces
5. #startrekadventures
#startrekadventures #thosedarkplaces #trinitycontinuumaeon #duneadventuresintheimperium #theonering #judgedreddandtheworldsof2000ad #Coriolis #starwarsedegoftheempire #StarWarsAgeOfRebellion #fadingsuns #ttrpg #5and5