Sale through July 30, 2023
#books #Reading #99cents #Oppenheimer #ManhattanProject #TrinityTest #DestroyerofWorlds
#books #reading #99cents #oppenheimer #manhattanproject #trinitytest #destroyerofworlds
“What are the conditions that you think it would be acceptable for the US to deliberately burn 100,000 civilians alive? ”- Alex Wellerstein
#AtomicBomb #TrinityTest July 16, 1945. #Oppenheimer #ManhattanProject
#atomicbomb #trinitytest #oppenheimer #manhattanproject
#NewMexico Senator Calls Out Enduring Effects Of #Oppenheimer Nuke Test
The New Mexican desert where the #TrinityTest took place wasn't exactly uninhabited, as Sen. #BenRayLuján pointed out.
“Generations of New Mexicans later, thousands of victims and their family members continue to face serious, sometimes deadly health complications.”
#Nuclear #NuclearTesting
#newmexico #oppenheimer #trinitytest #benraylujan #nuclear #nucleartesting
Primo esperimento al Mondo di un ordigno nucleare. "Morte, distruttore di mondi". Il Trinity Test e la prima bomba atomica. Gadget, la prima bomba atomica della storia, segna la svolta della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Una creazione della quale lo stesso padre, Robert Oppenheimer, era spaventato.
Il 16 luglio 1945 esplose la prima bomba atomica.
#armanucleare #bombaatomica #enricofermi #Gadget #JuliusRobertOppenheimer #LeoSzilard #LosAlamos #progettomanhattan #trinitytest
#armanucleare #BombaAtomica #EnricoFermi #gadget #juliusrobertoppenheimer #leoszilard #losalamos #ProgettoManhattan #trinitytest
Bevor oder nachdem ihr #CillianMurphy, Robert Downey jr. & Co. in #Oppenheimer fast über die vollen drei Stunden Laufzeit miteinander reden hört oder gehört habt, gönnt euch doch auch noch 58 Minuten #Podcast mit Patrick & Daniel über #ChristopherNolan seinen historisch korrekten Bombenfilm. #DieLetzteFilmkritik hadert mit einem sehr guten #Kunstwerk!
#Film #Filme #Kritik #Review #Filmkritik #Atombombe #TrinityTest #ManhattanProject #Podcasts #Bombe #Biopic #Biografie
#cillianmurphy #oppenheimer #podcast #ChristopherNolan #dieletztefilmkritik #kunstwerk #film #filme #Kritik #review #filmkritik #atombombe #trinitytest #manhattanproject #podcasts #bombe #biopic #biografie
For someone with a degree in the use of radiation, it won't come as a surprise that I very much am looking forward to seeing this movie. -
#Oppenheimer #AtomicBomb #Cinema #Movies #Film #History #Science #Drama #Biopic #ManhattanProject #RobertOppenheimer #NuclearWarfare #NuclearWeapons #LosAlamos #TrinityTest #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #WorldWarII #War #ColdWar #USHistory #WWII #WW2 #Warfare #Military #ScienceHistory #Physics #Scientists #Innovation
#oppenheimer #atomicbomb #cinema #movies #film #history #science #drama #biopic #manhattanproject #robertoppenheimer #nuclearwarfare #nuclearweapons #losalamos #trinitytest #hiroshima #nagasaki #worldwarii #war #coldwar #ushistory #wwii #ww2 #warfare #military #sciencehistory #physics #scientists #innovation
Vor 78 Jahren zündeten die USA die erste Atombombe (#TrinityTest). Heute gibt es ein Abkommen, um solche Tests zu verhindern (#CTBT). Ein Netz aus Messstationen – auch unsere Station auf dem Schauinsland – überwacht dessen Einhaltung: